Prayer For Soldier

Dear Father I am not alone, You are by my side. Hold me, guide me, As I seek you serve you. You have called me to rescue, To protect and to make peace. I am not alone, You are by my side. Amen.

Most Loving Father, source of all good things, we come before Your Holy presence to ask for Your generous blessings and guidance for all men and women in uniform.

Grant, O Lord, that they may be kept in Your loving care and protection as they try to fulfill their duties & responsibilities in ensuring peace, order, security and harmony in our beloved country. Save them from every danger and harm of body and spirit. Be their Shield in difficult moments and preserve them from the perils of death.

Lord, give also our men and women in uniform the courage and strength to say NO to those who try to corrupt & exploit our country & people by gifts, favors & all sort of bribes. Let none of this corrupt practices ruin the dignity and noble resolves of our soldiers. Let them be faithful servants of our country & people. In a special way, we pray also, O Lord, for all the soldiers who have offered their lives for our country & people. We entrust to Your care and healing all the wounded & sick soldiers.

Finally, we also pray that our soldiers be given strength and courage to bear the pains of being separated from their loved ones. Grant them, O Lord, & their loved ones Your peace whenever they are in trouble, Your consolation & joy when they are in sorrow & in grief.

We entrust them all to the maternal protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary & to the patron of soldiers, St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Dear Lord, let this our prayer for all soldiers be granted in Jesus' mighty name.


Father all-powerful and ever-loving God, from before we were born, your love has nurtured and sustained us. Hear my prayer for N., my son/daughter. Keep him/her safe in time of battle and faithful to you, day in and day out. Bring him/her safely home to those who love him/her.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I come to You knowing that I am in a position where my life is in danger. I am stepping out into the unknown, and yet I thank You that You are with me in every situation I face and that my life is in Your hands. I trust You Lord, to stand with me in the days that lie ahead, knowing that no weapon has been formed against me that has the power to overcome me, that is not permitted by You, for Your greater purpose in my life.

Keep me from fear and strengthen me I pray in all the activities and duties that are before me today. Uphold me in all things with Your righteous right hand, so that I may step out boldly in the confident assurance that You have scheduled every day of my life and that You are with me every step of the way to overshadow and to protect.

Father, I take firm hold of You and trust my life into Your hands and ask that in Your grace, You would bring me through the difficulties that we are currently facing. Give me the courage to carry out my duty through the power of Christ, who alone strengthens me and is my sufficient strength for all my needs.

Keep me from all danger I pray, strengthen my heart and endow me with courage from on high. Help me in the midst of things to wait upon You and trust You in all things for all the decisions I have to make, and especially those that have to be made in the twinkling of an eye. Renew my strength like the eagles I pray, and help me to run the race that is set before me, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith, in Whose name I pray,


Eternal God, when I am afraid, I put my trust in You. In You, whose word I praise in You I trust, and I am not afraid. What can man do to me? What can training do to me? I declare that this training will work to grow me and help me flourish. I thank You for being my rock during this journey, thank You for being my strength when I have none. Father, I put my trust in You for You are with me, Amen.


I just want to thank You for the brave men and women who put their lives on the line daily for our nation! They are living out what it means to serve. By protecting us they are putting us before themselves and I am so thankful for them all. They are a blessing to this nation and I pray that You will watch over them and bless them 10 fold! Thank You for our troops, Father! Without men and women of courage we would not be the country we are today! I hold them in high esteem and I am grateful for each and every single one of them! Thank You for the men and women in our armed forces, Lord! Be with all of them and their families today! I love you! Amen

I have fought when others feared to serve.
I have gone where others failed to go.
I've lost friends in war and strife,
Who valued Duty more than love of life.

I have shared the comradeship of pain.
I have searched the lands for men that we have lost.
I have sons who served this land of liberty,
Who would fight to see that other stricken lands are free.

I have seen the weak forsake humanity.
I have heard the traitors praise our enemy.
I've seen challenged men become even bolder,
I've seen the Duty, Honor, Sacrifice of the Soldier.

Now I understand the meaning of our lives,
The loss of comrades not so very long ago.
So to you who have answered duties siren call,
May God bless you my son, may God bless you all.

Brave warriors,
should fate find us in battle,
May our cause be just.
May our leaders have clear vision.
May our courage not falter.
May we be triumphant an earn victory
as we show mercy to our enemies.

May our efforts bring lasting peace.
May our sacrifice be always
appreciated by those we serve.
May we return to our loved ones unharmed.
Should we be harmed, may our wounds heal.
Should we perish in the struggle,
may God embrace us and find for us
a place in His Kingdom.