Prayer For Smooth Delivery Of Baby

O Mary our Mother, be our haven, be our peace on the pathways of life.

O Lord, I make the day and time of my baby delivery a mystery to all enemies of my safe delivery, in Jesus name.

O Lord, remove pains and bitterness from my pregnancy and delivery, in Jesus name.

Dear God,

May you watch my sleep as I carry this baby.
May your hand be upon this little life as it develops in my womb.
May you fill our hearts with joy, and our bodies with peace.
May we feel you so close to us as we sense your amazing creativity at work.

We rest in you.


Almighty God,

Send your angels to keep guard as labour begins, Lord comfort and protect us all.
Surround us with your hope and goodness.
Hold us through each wave of delivery.
Give to us a perfect life.
Come hold us safely within your promises, now and forever.


Father, I thank You for this baby growing inside of me. I thank You because this is a gift from You because the Bible says that children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward from You. Based on Your word in Psalms 139 verse 13 which says that You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb, I believe You have been in charge of the development of this baby from day one. I thank you because You are forming every part of his/her body, every system in his/her body, every cell and tissue to the perfection of Your image. I thank You because this baby is growing without any complications. I thank You also for the strength to carry this pregnancy. Father as I approach my day of delivery I commit myself and my baby into Your hands. I pray for strength and endurance from the first contraction till the delivery of the baby and the placenta. Father as I go into labour, I pray that You will give me the strength to push the baby out on time in Jesus Name. Lord, the pain of labour is as a result of the curse on man because of sin but now that I am in the new covenant in Christ Jesus, I pray that I will experience Your grace and mercy as I labour to deliver this baby in Jesus Name. This delivery will be without complications. The baby will come out strong and healthy. And at the end of it all, I will come out smiling, rejoicing and praising You for the new joy that has come to this world through me in Jesus Name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I know that children are indeed a heritage from the Lord and the fruit of the womb is a reward. Lord I thank You for the life that is growing inside of me / inside of (person's name) and I pray that You will continue to watch over this child as they are woven together in the womb. Lord You are my fortress, rock and deliverer and therefore I pray for a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery because You are my God and my strength in whom I will trust. Thank You in advance Father, Amen.

Dear Lord, Your Word says that You will give us the desires of our heart. So, Lord we thank you for granting the desire of being able to conceive a child. Right now, I pray for a healthy pregnancy in Jesus Name. I will cast all anxieties on You because You care for me, I declare that this pregnancy and delivery will be without complications and that the baby will arrive in Your image, Amen.