Prayer For Smudging

Creator, Great Mystery
Source of all knowing and comfort,
Cleanse this space of all negativity.
Open our pathways to peace and understanding.
Love and light fills each of us and our sacred space.
Our work here shall be beautiful and meaningful.
Banish all energies that would mean us harm.
Our eternal gratitude.

Chi-miigwetch to the creator for giving us this beautiful life, thank you for these sacred medicines to help protect us, heal us and to feel good and to live a good life.

May your eyes be cleansed, that you might see the signs and wonders of the world.

May your throat be cleansed, that you might speak rightly when words are needed.

Blessings grace this cozy placeall joy and peace may it embrace.

Negativity that invades my sacred place, I banish you away with the light of my grace. You have no hold or power here, for I stand and face you with no fear. Be gone forever, for this, I will say: This is my sacred place, and you will obey.

Into this smoke I release
All energies that do not serve;
All negativity that surrounds;
And all fears that limit.

I ask that Divine light surround me.

I call in the presence of my team of guides, Angels and Ascended Masters. Enter into this time and space.

I call forth the consciousness of the Palo Santo and sage, in conjunction with my team, to fully cleanse my energy of any and all negativity, to cleanse and release any density, and anything that no longer serves.

Release negativity into the light of the Divine.

Release any attachments, negativity, or density into the light so that I can shine with my highest possible vibration and embody my highest authenticity.

Anything that is not in alignment with this highest truth and light, let it be cleansed and released into the light of the divine.

Thank you for cleansing my energy and elevating my vibration so that I can vibrantly shine, radiantly live, and thrive in alignment with my soul mission and purpose according to Divine will.

I thank the sage and Palo Santo for their service and for the service of my entire team of guides, Angels and Ascended Masters.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you for helping me to stay clear, connected and vibrantly shining.