Prayer For Small Business

Father, Your Word says that I am a partaker of the inheritance and treasures of heaven. You have delivered me out of the authority of darkness and translated me into the Kingdom of Your dear Son. Father, where Your Word is there is light and, also, understanding. Your Word does not return to You void but always accomplishes what it is sent to do. I am a joint-heir with Jesus; and as Your son/daughter, I accept that the communication of my faith is effectual by the acknowledging of every good work that is in me in Christ Jesus.

Father, I commit my works (the plans and cares of my business) to You, entrust them wholly to You. Since You are effectually at work in me, You cause my thoughts to become agreeable with Your will, so that my business plans shall be established and succeed. In the name of Jesus, I submit to every kind of wisdom, practical insight, and prudence, which You have lavished upon me in accordance with the riches and generosity of Your gracious favor.

Father, I affirm that I obey Your Word by making an honest living with my own hands, so that I may be able to give to those in need. In Your strength and according to Your grace, I provide for myself and my own family. Thank You, Father, for making all grace, every favor and earthly blessing, come to me in abundance that I, having all sufficiency, may abound to every good work.

Father, thank You for the ministering spirits that You have assigned to go forth to bring in consumers. Jesus said, You are the light of the world. In His name my light shall so shine before all men that they may see my good works glorifying You, my Heavenly Father.

Thank You for the grace to remain diligent in seeking knowledge and skill in areas where I am inexperienced. I ask You for wisdom and the ability to understand righteousness, justice, and fair dealing in every area and relationship. I affirm that I am faithful and committed to Your Word. My life and business are founded upon its principles.

Father, thank You for the success of my business!
In Your name, amen.

Lord, thank you for the small businesses in our communities, for the hard work, the blood, sweat, and tears that have gone into them. For many, their businesses are not just stores or companies, they are the fabric of their lives and the lives of their loved ones. We pray God that You will guide these small business owners and provide for their families during this difficult and uncertain time.

We pray that every small business owner along with their family, will not be overcome by fear and worry, but that each and every one will trust in You and find wisdom and guidance in You. We pray that as they do this, that they will make wise decisions, the decisions that are best for their families, and that they will make these decisions at precisely the right moments.

In the Bible, Solomon wrote, Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed (Proverbs 16:3, (NLT). We pray that small business owners will follow this Scripture, and that they will commit everything to You, and that You will bless them with success. We pray that the public will see that the small businesses that operate with honesty and integrity, and that seek to treat people, be it staff, vendors, or customers, with kindness, compassion, and respect, are something that we desperately need in our communities. We pray that people will see the great need and the special benefits of supporting local mom and pop businesses, and will buy locally.

God, be with our small business owners and their families. Bless them and keep them. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Father, we praise You for the entrepreneurial spirit You set in our hearts. Let all of our achievements honor You. When the lines of ethical and honest decisions start to blur, grant us absolute clarity. Stir in our hearts the courage to build a foundation of our business on the back of Your truth, and Your standards. When we are pressured and poked to cut corners and bend our Christ-centered code of moral conduct, strengthen our resolve to stay focused on You first.

Help us to honor the vision that You set in our hearts. Let us give it to You daily and work hard - giving it our all for Your glory. Protect us from the pride that over-applauds us and that which attacks our confidence. Father, if You aim to accomplish something through us, You will see it to fruition. Help us to be faithful along the way.

In Jesus' Name,


Lord, I pray that You would shine the light of You grace and peace on my little business today, and thank You that You have placed me in this position of responsibility. I ask for Your blessing on each of my colleagues and all those who will cross my path during the course of today.

May I be wise in my choices, fair in my decisions, honest in my dealings and may You be the one Who directs and governs my actions and attitudes during course of the day. Give me integrity in my dealings with clients, and wisdom, should there be any difficulties arising today. Oversee all the electrical and electronic hardware, the computers and all that we need to keep the business running smoothly.

I thank You for those of my colleagues and clients who know and love the Lord Jesus, but I also pray that You would open the hearts of all those who have not accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour or received Your wonderful saving grace. This I pray in the name of Jesus,


Lord, I know that unless the Lord builds that house, it's builders labour in vain. Watch over all I do in my work today Lord, and I pray for all those whom my life will touch today, through this work into which You have placed me.

May I be a worthy worker, who has You as the director of my business and the one that oversees all my activities and transactions. Give me wisdom today in all the decisions I may need to make. I pray that I may demonstrate honesty and integrity in all my dealings, whether it is my relationship with people or my dealings with financial matters and the material side of my work.

Lord, I know that without You I can do nothing, but also You have promised that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So Lord, I rely on You to bless my business as You see fit. I pray Lord, that my business may thrive with You at the helm. I pray that in all things, You will lead and direct my business path. May You be glorified in my business dealings. I pray this in Jesus' name,


God has granted each one of us a spirit of wisdom and creativity and we each express that creativity in different ways. For some, that spirit ignited a passion and drive to pursue something new and unique. As our nation works to battle this pandemic, the economic impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus on small business owners and entrepreneurs has been great. Many businesses have been shut down, threatening the well-being and prosperity of business owners and the people they employ. We offer a prayer of thanksgiving for these creative individuals who chased their passion, and for the communities that are working to support them. We pray for continued support from communities so that the dreams, jobs, and income of these small business owners and their employees may be sustained.