Prayer For Small Business Owners

Dear God, I celebrate your presence with thanksgiving, and with my whole heart praise You this morning. I greet You with love, Creator of the universe, Spirit who strives with the chaos of the world. The power of your love & wisdom reaches so far that nothing & no one is beyond your help & healing.

Help me to listen to your voice, soften my heart & open my mind morning after morning. When I listen to your voice deep within me, I shall know the wisdom & mercy of your love. I shall see You as rest, relief & upliftment for many people who suffer from poverty, inequality, injustice & indifference in my country & throughout the world.

You are the giver of life & the owner of the earth, entrusting managers & investors with treasures, talents & time, holding us accountable for our actions & decisions, judging us all in your faithfulness, quelling our envy & greed.

Strengthen my commitment to the practice of building the nation, equalizing opportunity & creating long-term value for society. May your Spirit inspire me to pursue & preserve fellowship & friendship with socially responsible mentors & peers in the world of business, trade & industry. I ask this with trust in your fidelity & mercy. Amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am speaking to you satan from my position in the 3rd heaven. I am seated at the right hand of power in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am speaking to you with the power and authority vested in me by the Lord Jesus Christ. I have been seated with Him in heavenly places as stated in Ephesians 2:6 and raised with Him above every name that is named not only in the world but in the world to come. (Ephesians 1:21)

I am seated above principalities, powers, authorities, kingdoms, and everything in the air and on earth and I have authority over you, satan, through the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I bind the principalities and prince of the power of the air, world rulers, and I bind the strongman over (country, state, county, township, area, block, home, each family member) and I bind the strongman over my business (name business).

I command the evil spirits constituting the armory of the strongman of my business to be cast into pits of the deepest abyss of Tartarus. I command every foul and evil spirit of witchcraft to be bound and powerless over my business and each employee. Satan, I cancel your plans for my business (name business). I bind the strongman over each department, (name each department), and over my finances and the finance's of this business. I cast out and into the pit the evil spirits of bankruptcy, porn's, lack, loss, need, greed, the spirit of you-only-get-what-you-work-for, confusion, forgetfulness, lack of business, and a poor reputation.

I break the power of the curses that have been put upon this business and return them to the sender. The curses of poverty, failure, and any curses beamed by witchcraft or put upon the business in any way whether it be in the soil, or the building, or in the personnel, I bind, command it to be powerless and cast it into the deepest abyss. I notify you satan, that I have the authority in the name of Jesus Christ, to bind the powers of the air over my business and over my county and community. I am exercising that authority and I am going to continue to exercise that authority.

I pronounce the judgment of the Lord upon you satan, and your evil spirits as pronounced in the Scriptures in Romans 8:17-23, which says that the whole creation groans under you, until NOW. Being filled with the Spirit of God, I am a Son of God and am far above you in authority and spiritual power. I am canceling your plans, your force, and anything that you might have in and around my business.

Satan, you are defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ, and I am sending every one of your foul and evil spirits that involve me or my business into the pits to be locked up. I am asking that the angel of the Lord stand guard so that they do not return to the face of the earth again.

Having been given all power over the enemy in Luke 10:19, I have the power to tread on serpents and scorpions and nothing by any means shall hurt me. I want to notify you satan, that in the retaliation that you plan by sending your evil emissaries and foul and evil spirits to harass, torment, or hinder my business or myself or family in any way, they shall promptly be locked up in the pits, just like the ones that were recently locked up from my business.

In the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I cast out of any fellow workers or employees or any of the members of the management, all evil spirits of witchcraft, mind control, and mind occult, and command these foul and evil spirits to go into the pits, never to return.

Any individual practicing witchcraft, mind control or any other occult and devilish practice, I ask you, Father, to send angels to surround them and contain them. Put every evil spirit in them in chains and fetters. Render them completely harmless and inoperative. Now, Father, I ask you to send the fire, as you promised in Obadiah 17:18, upon these foul and evil spirits while they are bound and in chains, and render them harmless. Father, I ask you to have your angels remove these evil spirits from the body and presence of the body, mind, soul, and spirit of the practitioner of witchcraft, and take them into the pit and stand guard over them so they will never return to the face of the earth.

In the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I loose into this business, (plant or job, or whatever you are praying for) prosperity, abundance, sound management, ability, and success, and I ask you Father to send angels into every area of this business to create well being, good management, favor and blessing.

I loose the spirits of the Lord, (Isaiah 11:2; II Timothy 1:7; Revelations 5:12) Spirit of the Lord, Fear of the Lord, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Counsel, Might, Sound Mind, Power, Love, Peace, Joy, Life, Grace, truth, riches, Honor, Blessings, Favor with the Lord, Strength, Glory and Abundance.

Father, based on Hebrews 1:14, I ask you to send out your angels in great numbers and create favor in the hearts of the customers, potential customers, workers, owners, suppliers, financiers, (anyone else), involved and touched by this business.

Almighty God, through Jesus Christ, my Heavenly Father You have within seven days created
the universe; therefore I know that you are aware of all the needs and desires of both managers and workers. I plead in prayer for faith in both You and myself, for integrity that is incorruptible and for the dignified yet fearless execution of my responsibilities.
I pray for mercy that You will always be part of my planning and that my vision and ideals will always be done in collaboration with You. I ask Your guidance so that my dealings with people
will always be done with love and mutual respect, that I manage my time well, but most importantly that I manage every task I do so that it meets with Your approval.
Help me to become Your instrument for communication in the workplace and assist me to always produce quality work myself. Help me to trust and appreciate other people in a manner similar to the trust and appreciation that You have for me, despite my many shortcomings.
Dear Lord, teach me to tolerate criticism when my decisions are not popular, but in keeping with Your will. Entrust me with the necessary faith to take risks with You at my side and assist
me in making both popular and unpopular decisions in fairness and with moral integrity to all that are affected by such decisions. Fill my heart with love and warmth towards those with whom I share my workplace and those working for me. Help me to be firm and clear when taking stance in respect of ethical and moral issues in an unbiased manner. Be with me when I have to accommodate changes and help me do so with enthusiasm. Holy Father, protect me through Your Holy Spirit, that material goods never become an idol in my life thus separating me from You. Protect me from entering into any compromise that will impact my character or integrity. Assist me in using the talents so undeservedly bestowed upon me to the benefit of those I serve and for the expansion of your Kingdom on earth. Ensure that I afford my family and church the priority they deserve and through Your Holy Spirit fend off all negative influences in my life.
This I pray in supplication and thanksgiving because You are the destination of all prayers and the place where they are heard. May Your Name be honoured in everything I do and say and please accept this humble prayer in the name of my Partner and Example, Jesus Christ,
My Lord and Saviour .

Father God we come to You, this morning declaring You, are Lord, over every business man and women! Thank You, Lord, that You, Teach Your Business People to profit. Thank You, Jesus, that You, lead them by Your Spirit continuously, and You fill them with wisdom and knowledge to do what You have called them to do! Thank You, Lord, they discern between light and darkness. Lord, we bless You, for revealing Yourself to them as they take courage to continuously putting their feet on the water and walking with You, putting their nets of financial ability in the deep waters on your instruction. Lord God we pray that You, open their gates of business and let clients, work and contracts come from each corner of our country. Lord, we pray open the door of the nations to them and let the wealth of the nations come to them. Lord we thank You for a double portion of blessing on Your Business People thank You Lord that You prepare them for the five portion Benjamin favour and anointing. Thank You Lord that Your hand is in the nest of the wealth of the enemy and You are distributing it to Your people. Father God we pray that Your Business People will continually seek Your face as You move Your Hand over them with blessing! Thank You Lord that the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit continuously break and destroy the yokes and bondages over our Economy through those whom You chose to bring about a turnaround in our nation and the nations of the world. Strengthen the Business People Lord and let them know by Your Spirit that they are mighty vessels in the Hand of God as You sharpen them as arrows coming forth from Your quiver to hit every form of poverty right on target. Thank You Lord that they are covered by Your Righteous Right Hand. They are strategically placed in this time and season. Thank You Lord that they are the sheep of Your pasture hearing the voice of the Shepherd. Thank You, Lord, for their anointing that is released on the Body of Christ, and as we pray and intercede for Your Business People we know Lord that promotions will come, increases will come, the favour will come, and all of our lives will be touched and changed. Like the Joseph's they will make a difference, our countries will be blessed by the hope and future God released to all because of those whom He increase in anointing in this time and season! LORD, we give YOU praise! LORD bless and touch YOUR Business People with COURAGE and strength to run this race like athletes that are running it to win for Your Glory displayed over our nation in Jesus Name. Amen!

Grant me the self-awareness to know honestly what I am, what I can do, and what I cannot;

Grant me the judgment to channel my energies into those avenues which best utilize my abilities and do not require talents which I do not possess;

Grant me the wisdom to admit error cheerfully and learn from my experiences, that I may grow and develop and avoid repetition of mistakes;

Grant me the humility to learn from others, even though they be younger, less experienced, or of humbler station than I;

Grant me the courage to make decisions whenever they are necessary and to avoid rashness when they are not;

Grant me the sensitivity to judge the reactions of others that I may modify my actions to meet the needs of those affected;

Grant me the consideration to recognize the worth of each individual, and to respect all those with whom I have contact, neither stifling their development nor exalting myself at their expense;

Grant me the perspicacity to acknowledge that I can be no more effective than my subordinates enable me to be, and to deal with them so that they can help me by helping themselves;

Grant me the tolerance to recognize mistakes as a cost of true learning and to stand behind my subordinates, accepting my responsibility for their actions;

Grant me the insight to develop a personal philosophy, that my life may have more meaning and satisfaction and that I may avoid capricious action under the pressures of expediency;

Grant me the patience to live realistically with my circumstances, striving always for the better, but recognizing the perils of too rapid or too drastic change;

Grant me all these things, dear Lord, that I may live a more useful life, through serving my fellowmen, and, through them, serve Thee. Amen.

Almighty Father, thank you for the business you have enabled me to begin and sustain. Enlighten my way in leading and inspiring people engaged in the business organizations, industry, and communities that I serve.

Allow us the mastery of your will for the role you would want this business to play in your divine plan. Provide us all the resources, human and material for this enterprise. Sustain us financially for growth and development, and keep us humble with our successes and make us innovative and creative in our endeavors.

Help us in our crises, and guide us in every step we take as we run and manage our business. Let our business involvements be models of inspired integrity and allow it to bring good health, wealth, and prosperity among your people.

Bless our business partners, clients, and suppliers. Give us the faith and confidence that we can accomplish even what seems to be impossible. Move us to dispense all our actions to be full of love for you and the rest of mankind.

In Jesus' name.


Dear Lord, thank you for the chance to own a small business,

Help me, please God, to make my business successful and abundant.

Give me the strength to lead my business with courage and responsibility.

Please God, bless me with new opportunities and offers to grow my business,

Dear God, help this business to fructify and flourish,

Help me to create good opportunities for those working in this business,

And to show them how hard work will help us all grow.

Please Lord, give me the wisdom and energy to lead my business responsibly,

In the name of Jesus Christ.


Spirit of wisdom, Creator God, we give you thanks for all the ways you inspire your people, the ways you provide for them, and set great paths before them. We are grateful for the many small business owners who felt your creative call and pursued their dreams. Gracious God, we know that you are the sustainer of our dreams, in prosperity and in hardship.

We pray for all those businesses who are suffering hardship because of the economic crisis caused by COVID-19. May the communities these businesses serve rally to support them. Provide for all the people being impacted by this economic crisis, O God, the people employed by these small businesses and the families that are supported by their income. Protect them in this time of economic uncertainty, and fill their spirits with hope. Amen.