Prayer For Sleepless Night

Lord Jesus, please cleanse my thoughts of anger and worry. I know that worry is not your will for me. Please provide for all my needs as you promise in your word. I give to you all my fears, cares and troubles, as you have told me to do. Bring peace and comfort to my heart and help me to rest in you and have peace. Forgive me of any sins I have committed today and fill my heart with your love.

Savior, please hear my humble cry. I lie here sleepless because it worries me, I feel so burdened and alone. Please comfort me, I need You now more than ever.

Dear Father in Heaven, here, safe with you, I drink in your peace. Help me to sift through the many experiences, feelings and thoughts I have encountered today. I allow myself to rest, to wind down and to be still. Help me to surrender all I am to you, my fatigue, my concerns, my hopes and fears. As I sleep tonight, I choose to hold your hand. I choose to live with you. I choose to believe, I choose to trust, I choose you always. Amen.

O Lord God Almighty, as You have taught us to call the evening, the morning, and the noonday one day; and have made the sun to know its going down: Dispel the darkness of our hearts, that by Your brightness we may know You to be the true God and eternal light, living and reigning for ever and ever. Amen.

Oh Lord,

Go with each of us to rest; if any awake, temper to them the dark hours of watching; and when the day returns, return to us, our sun and comforter, and call us up with morning faces and with morning hearts, eager to labor, eager to be happy, and if the day be marked for sorrow, strong to endure it.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John,
Bless the bed that I lie on.
Four corners to my bed,
Four angels round my head;
One to watch and one to pray,
And two to bear my soul away.

Wrap Your gentle arms around me as I sob quietly into the night. Restore that joy and happiness I once knew, for pain only endures for the night and surely joy comes in the morning.

Allow me to find rest before the morning draws near. So I can go out and face the world and all that life has to throw at me, in confidence and with a smile.

I rest assured that You are always with me and the battle is already won! In Jesus mighty name, Amen!

Dear Father,

I can't sleep.
I'm tossing and turning. Again.
I'm so thankful You never grow weary
And You never sleep.
I'm thankful that You are here with me right now,
Even when my mind won't stop churning
And my head won't stop spinning.
Even when I know that worrying gets me nowhere
And my heart needs to rely on You.
I need You the Good Shepherd
Because counting sheep just doesn't work.
Would you comfort my heart as only You can?
Will you rescue me from my own spiral of thoughts?
For I know that when I rest in You,
peace like a river overflows my soul and
I can praise You in advance for sweet rest.