Prayer For Singers

O glorious Saint, who chose to die
instead of denying your King.
We pray you please to help us
as His fair praise we sing!
We lift our hearts in joyous song
to honor Him this way.
And while we sing, remembering
to sing is to doubly pray.
At once in our hearts and our
tongues we offer double prayer
Sent heavenward on winged notes
to praise God dwelling there.
While with our hearts and tongues
we try with song to praise God twice.
We ask dear Saint to help us be
united close with Christ!

Oh Lord, please bless this music that it might glorify your name. May the talent that you have bestowed upon me be used only to serve you.

Let this music be a witness to your majesty and love, and remind us that you are always watching, and listening, from your throne above.

May your presence and beauty be found in every note, and may the words that are sung reach the hearts of your people so they will draw closer to you.

May your Spirit guide us through every measure so that we might be the instruments of your peace, and proclaim your glory with glad voices.


Righteous God, I give You all the glory, the honor and the praise for who You are. I declare that I will sing to You, I will sing praises to You and tell of all of Your wonderful works in my life. I will sing so that all can hear it and see how great You are. Thank You because my voice is a blessing from You. I sing not for myself, but I sing to demonstrate Your goodness in my life, Amen.

Oh Lord, I will sing of Your love and justice for the rest of my days. To You, Lord, I will sing praise. I pray that the melodies that I sing and/or write are inspired by my love for You. I pray that this love is evident each time that I sing. I pray that genuine worship to You is my main focus when I sing rather than the musicality; this I pray, Amen.

Dear Lord, I sing to You a new song because You have done marvelous things, I am in awe of the works of Your salvation! I shout because the joy You give me is uncontainable! I praise You with the harp and with the sound of singing. I pray that all music is to glorify Your great Name. You are an awesome Father, I choose to worship You in Spirit and truth in all that I do, Amen.

Awesome God, I praise You. I praise You in Your sanctuary and I praise You in Your mighty heavens. I praise You Lord for Your acts of power and I praise You for Your everlasting greatness. I praise You with the sounding of the trumpet and with the harp and flute. I declare that everything that has breath praises You! Hallelujah! I pray that my instrument (whether this be my voice or my guitar, piano, drum etc) worships You, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the gift of music. I listen carefully to many proverbs and solve riddles with inspiration from my instrument. I thank You because playing music has allowed me to gain clarity in life and has helped me to enforce truths that You have opened my eyes to. Music is just one way that I enjoy worshiping You. I thank You for this gift that You have given me, I do not take it lightly, Amen.

O Lord, I pray that the music I make or the songs that I sing are always from my heart to You. I pray that as we sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, we genuinely dedicate each melody to You. I pray that I always give You thanks for all things, in Jesus' Name. I thank You for this talent You have given me, I choose to give it back to You by using it to glorify Your Name, Amen.