Prayer For Silence

Dear God, Help me to remember that everything is under Your control. There is nothing that can harm me. No one who can hurt me. You are a great and powerful God who gives me strength to rise above each difficult circumstance and to react with grace to every difficult person. Praise God, Master of All.


Dear God, I know that silence is not golden when it ought not to exist. To deny praise to a child or to withhold best wishes from someone of whom I am jealous. To keep back from contradicting someone spreading malicious lies. All this creates silence that destroys. Open my lips to speak out when the time is right.


Lord, There is nothing as certain as silence, stillness, and solitude, to help me understand the secrets of myself. I come to You in silent prayer. Reveal Yourself and I will be revealed.


Dear God, Thank you for helping me to accept that your holiness is here to cover me, that I am not expected to bring my own or to impress you with an eloquence that implies spiritual genius. rather, let me bring myself to You just as I am - open, honest, ready to find true brilliance in You.


Dear God, I lean on You because I know you care about me. Your strength supports me, Your love carries me. You are here for me: To help me through every pain. To be my eyes when I feel the need to turn away. To be my ears when I can't bear to hear what has to be said. To be my heart, always filled with hope and courage. Thank You.


Lord, thank you for enabling me to be still in your presence. You are my strength, and I trust in you. In Jesus' name, Amen.