Prayer For Seaman Boyfriend

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for this wonderful guy You have brought into my life. Thank You for hearing my prayer, and for preparing this man to come into my life at just the right time. I praise You for Your graciousness in hearing my heart cry, and for this wonderful answer to prayer.

Thank You for His love for You, for His desire to know You more and to grow in grace and mature in the Christian faith. Oh Lord, it is amazing to realise how You have gone before and prepared both him and me for this meeting of our hearts.

Lead and guide him today I pray, and in the days that lie ahead. Endow him with the qualities of spiritual leadership and godly wisdom, and pour into his heart the peace and love that only comes from You. Keep him I pray, from the wiles of the evil one and may he continue to walk in integrity and faithfulness, to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, with every passing day.

Give him courage to stand fast in the faith and keep him from spiritual pride, but rather give him a discerning heart, to know what is good and to shun what is evil. Fill his mouth and his heart with the word of God and may he learn more and more to walk humbly before You and to trust You in all areas of life.

Thank You, Lord, for Your guidance thus far. May we walk together in godly love and respect, and in the godly harmony and grace that only comes to those that seek You first in every area of life.

Praise Your name for answered prayer. Keep me ever humble before Your throne of grace. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, my heart is trusting in you for your great help. Lord, I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for almost six years now. There is no sign whether it will change to a marriage. Sometimes he talks about setling down then nothing happens. I am so confused and don't know whether I should call the relationship off. Lord, please I need a supporting hand to guide me and keep me on the right decision making path. Father, please show me the right way about this relationship. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that one day You would bring into my life a boyfriend that is walking with You, a man of God that loves You with all his heart, a man that is growing in grace and maturing in the Christian faith, for Lord I long to one day be married to a man who will be my spiritual covering, a man who will love me as Christ loved the Church, my spiritual leader and adviser.

I pray that You will bring the right man into my life and that You would prepare both our hearts in the way of godliness and Christian love, so that we may one day walk in spirit and truth in the bond of love.

Lord, I know that we are not to be unequally yoked together in our relationships and marriages, that we are to be on the same spiritual level with the same love of Jesus and the same love of truth, and so I pray that You would bring into my life a man that loves You and is maturing in the faith, and who is himself seeking to follow Your guidance in the matter of his own future relationship and marriage.

I pray that You would bring into my life the right boyfriend, a future husband who will guide me and our family to live together in the manner that You have instituted in Your Word, and guard me I pray, from making the wrong decisions based on my feelings rather than Your leading. Into Your hands I entrust my future life to You. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Father, I thank You for the promises You give throughout the Bible to keep Your children safe. To give us a refuge, to be our strength and strengthener. Thank You that You will never leave us nor forsake us and to be gracious to us all the days of our lives.

Father, protect my husband in all the ways he walks; watch over his coming and going (Ps.121:8) guiding him away from any harmful situations. Protect him from traveling accidents, work accidents, sicknesses, debilitating diseases of the body or mind. Protect him from violence and the people who do it. I stand in the gap on behalf of my husband, (Ez.22:30-31) asking that You place your mighty hand of protection around him in every way he goes.

Lord, I know that Your arm is not too short that You cannot save, (Is.58:1) so preserve the life of my husband so that he might grow old to watch his children's children grow. I entrust him to You, fully convinced that You are able to protect him this day and every day of his life. (2Tim.1:12)

Father, when his heart is burdened and his spirit weary, the world seems dark all around, remind him that You are his shield, his deliverer, his rock. Remind him that You are his firm foundation, cornerstone and stronghold. (2Sam.22:1-4) Protect him from any attacks the enemy plans to make on his mind, diverting the fiery darts that get sent his way. You will not fail him, for You will not reject your people; You will never forsake Your inheritance. (Ps. 94:14) In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

O God, I ask You to take my husband into Your care and protection along with all those who go down to the sea in ships.

Make him alert and wise in his duties. Make him faithful in the time of routine, and prompt to decide and courageous to act in any time of crisis.

Protect him in the dangers and perils of the sea, and even in the storm grant that there maybe peace and calm within his heart.

When he is far from home and far from loved ones and far from his country, help him to be quite sure that, wherever he is, he can never drift beyond Your love and care.

Take care also of us, his loved ones, in the days and weeks and months when he is separated from us. Keep him true to us and keep us true to him, and everytime that we have part, bring us together in safety and loyalty again. Amen.

Dear Lord, I know that I have been beautifully and wonderfully made, and I thank you for my life and for Your love.

Thank you, also, for granting me a partner who is also beautifully and wonderfully made, who shows me some of Your character, and who brings me joy and fulfillment in ways I didnt even know I needed!

You are a gracious and loving God and I thank you for giving us the gift of being able to share that love with one another.

Lord, You know my heart, and You know that I would much rather have my partner from far away than not at all.

You also know that sometimes my heart aches with the desire to be near my partner: to share lifes joys and to comfort each other when life is hard; to laugh together, to play together, and to be able to look one another in the eye and say I love you, even when resolving conflicts.

I know that You have a plan for us, and that Your plan is much better than one that I could devise. Right now it is so hard for us to be away from each other, so please, Lord, fill us with strength for the journey.

Help us recognize the value in each day, and to see each day as a new opportunity. Fill our hearts with compassion, understanding, and creativity to keep us strong when the pain seems too difficult to bear.

And please, Lord, if you will, help us find a way to be together soon.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen.

Lord, please take care of him while he's away,
For I know, if there's other way, he would love to stay.
Guide him always, as he fulfill his mission,
To be successful in his chosen maritime profession.

Lord, all I am asking for, is his safety.
Protect him as he goes through the heavy waves of the sea.
Help him win the storm he might face along his journey.
Though he is strong, help him, oh Lord, in every way.

Every night when he feels he needs my warmth hug;
In the same way I would want to kiss and hug him so tight
Though couple of months we are not together-
Lord, You know how genuine is the love we have for each other.
Distance and time, aren't reasons to give up the love so true.
So, keep us stronger each day,I beg You.

You are the center of our relationship;
Thank you for helping us surpass all the life's hardships.
And though I am confident knowing we carry tons of love and faith for one another,
Lead us still NOT into temptations whenever, wherever.

Lord, please watch over him for me always;
As I have promised before You, to love him in many ways.
I will be loyal and faithful wife,
For I have comitted myself to be his forever partner in life.

Up until his coming back home;
I will stay and patiently wait for he will be with me again, soon.
Lord, all I am asking for is his safety;
In land, in sea, wherever he will be. I pray.

Almighty Father, please take care of him while he's away,
For I know, if there's another way, he would love to stay.
Guide him always, as he fulfills his mission,
To be successful in his chosen profession.
Lord, bless him good health and keep him safe.
Protect him through the variable weather across the seas.
Continue to guide him to win the challenges he might face along his journey.
Though he is strong, help him, oh Lord, in every way.
Thank you for helping us surpass all life's trials.
You are the center of our relationship,
Although, I am confident knowing that
we have lots of love and faith for one another,
Lead us still NOT into temptations whenever,
wherever we may be.
I will stay and patiently wait for his return.
Please bring him back into my arms safely.
Lord, all I am asking is to keep him under your care;
In whatever place he may be, be it on land or at sea.
In Jesus's name, I pray. Amen.