Prayer For Scientists

Wonderful Father, thank You for showing us the wonders of Your unfailing love.
Thank You for hearing our cry for mercy and answering our call for help.
Thank You for the health professionals in our nation. We thank You for doctors, nurses, researchers, scientists, hospital administrators, therapists, pharmacists, medical assistants, paramedics, and medical technicians.
By Your wisdom, You have strategically equipped and anointed men and women with expertise in medicine, science, nutrition, pharmacy, surgery, rehabilitation, and counselling.
Lord, You made the heavens Your throne; You rule over everything from there. Your angels praise You, Lord. Your mighty ones who carry out Your plans, listen for each of Your commands. Lord, everything that You created will praise You; everything in Your Kingdom! Let all that we are praise You!

All-Wise Father, by faith, we decree that just as the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, feared and obeyed You, the health professionals in our nation will not succumb to the pressure to compromise; but they will remain committed to their oath to do no harm.
As they believe in the promises of Your Word, and as they ask You, You will tell them remarkable secrets about things to come in their profession. They will be pioneers in discovering cures and medical breakthroughs for our generation.
By faith, we decree that they will seek Your wisdom and knowledge and always pursue excellence in their chosen fields. They will be dedicated to the proper care and treatment of their patients and they will remember to show their patients mercy, just as You have shown mercy to them.
For those health professionals who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, we confess that they will receive the Good News of the Gospel and confess with their mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in their hearts that You raised Him from the dead, so that they will be saved.

Holy Spirit, remind our health professionals not to trust in human wisdom; but in the power of God.
Please comfort the hearts of those who have recently lost a patient who was under their care. Keep them guarded against the torment of blame and guilt.
Teach them to take care of themselves physically and mentally, so that they can keep up with the rigors of their daily responsibilities. Heal the emotional wounds that come along with their jobs.
Give them the boldness they need to stand up for their patients' rights and to contribute significantly to the pursuit of healthcare reform in our country.
Remind our Godly health professionals that they represent the Kingdom of God in the healthcare industry, so their demeanor and behaviour reflects Kingdom principles.

(List the names of the healthcare professionals that you know personally and pray for their specific needs:)

Beloved Father, forgive those health professionals who have been prideful and arrogant, taking Your glory for themselves.
Forgive those who have been more concerned with financial gain than being a servant.
Forgive those who have neglected to do their jobs in excellence and who have placed the lives of others in jeopardy by cutting corners and taking shortcuts.
Forgive those who have failed to show compassion while working with the loved ones of their patients.
Lord, forgive me for (list any sins that you have committed).

Holy Spirit, remind the health professionals of our nation of those they need to forgive and help them to be quick to forgive.
As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to show you names or faces of people that you may need to forgive. As He shows you, say aloud, I forgive name of person(s). Now, trust the Lord to heal any wounds in your soul caused by unforgiveness.)

Loving Father, help the health professionals in our nation not to yield to temptation; but deliver them from the evil one.

Lord of Glory, You alone are God. You are the First and the Last.
It was Your hand that laid the foundations of the earth. Your right hand spread out the heavens above. When You call out the stars, they all appear in order.
You alone can never die and You live in light so brilliant that no human can approach You. No human eye has ever seen You, nor ever will.
All honor and power is Yours forever, Lord! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Lord, we know that you as our Creator have chosen to reveal to mankind, partly through the study of the biological and physical sciences, limited insight into the processes and the world you have created.
Lord, we also know that due to our sinful natures, mankind has taken this information you have so graciously revealed and used it to elevate our intellectual pride rather than glorify you.
Lord, so we may be humbled before you, we ask that you direct our research to reveal information that may be used to glorify you as our Creator.
We specifically pray that this information will influence those trained in the sciences and scientific method to come to realize and accept the inerrancy of your written word and the saving grace you offer to all.
Though this is our specific prayer, we ask that your will be done in everything that we do. Amen.

Lord, we know that you as our Creator have chosen to reveal to mankind, partly through the study of the biological and physical sciences, limited insight into the processes and the world you have created.
Lord, we also know that due to our sinful natures, mankind has taken this information you have so graciously revealed and used it to elevate our intellectual pride rather than glorify you.
Lord, so we may be humbled before you, we ask that you direct our research to reveal information that may be used to glorify you as our Creator.
We specifically pray that this information will influence those trained in the sciences and scientific method to come to realize and accept the inerrancy of your written word and the saving grace you offer to all.
Though this is our specific prayer, we ask that your will be done in everything that we do. Amen.

Lord, As I work behind this counter
may I feel Your presence here.
And help me to fill each prescription
with knowledge, caution and cheer.
And may I always be humbled
by the privilege that is mine
of making a life more comfortable and healthier
and with a greater peace of mind.
For all who seek assistance
Give me wisdom to meet their needs.
And for each encounter
I pray that I shall follow as You, Lord, lead. Amen

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the great Physician of our souls. During your life on earth, you healed the sick and even brought the dead back to life.
From your heavenly abode, continue to be the Divine Physician for your people and bless the noble work to which you have called me.
Make me truly wise in my medical judgements and genuinely sympathetic in my dealings with patients.

Dear Lord, guide my mind and my hands and inspire me with words of comfort that I may help those in suffering.
Encourage me in the trials and misery to which I am daily exposed.
Grant that I may always use my power and influence for good,
and let no human being ever deter me from the performance of my sacred duty in accord with your Holy Law. Amen

Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross, thank you for shedding your blood for us. We believe that by your stripes we are healed from all our physical and spiritual sicknesses. You redeemed us from all curses. We give you our hearts today and we accept you as our Lord and saviour for ever and ever. Amen

Lord, you have endowed human beings with the ability to search out your laws
and have given them the freedom to apply their knowledge as they choose.
We ask your blessing on all engaged in scientific research and technology
and on those who provide the resources for such work;
that choice may be made of projects
which both enhance human life and have regard to the safety and well-being of the natural order.
May we thus be true stewards of your bounty,
to our own inner satisfaction and your greater glory.

God of wisdom,
Bless medical scientists and researchers around the world
With insight and skill, dedication and fortitude,
As they combat coronavirus,
So that their work yields knowledge and understanding,
Speedily finding a vaccine, treatments and deterrents to its spread.

Source of life,
Grant public health and government officials
The strength to act swiftly and decisively,
With compassion and understanding,
In service to humankind,
Fighting this outbreak
And the other diseases that still plague the planet,
Diseases threatening the lives of our brothers and sisters,
Nations and communities,
Young and old.

Rock of Ages,
Bring an end to disease and suffering,
So that all may know
Your compassion and Your grace.

Praised are You, God, healer of flesh, maker of wonders.