Prayer For School Meeting

Loving God,

On this early fall evening,
On the 188th new year in the life of the University,
We come to you in gratitude.

We thank you for the special moments in our history that have made the institution ever more vibrant and faithful to our mission to educate students intellectually, morally and spiritually.

Tonight, we celebrate one such moment the invitation for women to fully matriculate in this Jesuit Catholic university in Cincinnati Ohio.
We welcome the presence of a few of these early pioneers - the women who accepted the invitation.

Their experiences, insights, and wisdom exemplify the musketeer spirit of Xavier.
Let us relish in the joy of being together right now at this time a time which reflects our yesterday, today, and the promise of tomorrow in nurturing compassionate civic leaders.

We give thanks for friendship, fellowship, and fortitude as we guide the University into the future.and for your rich blessings upon Xavier and each one of us.

Lord, God, we gather together unified in Your name this morning seeking guidance, wisdom, and support as we reflect on past accomplishments of the division and look ahead to working together to promote a brighter future for the University. Lord, grant us courage, boldness, and discernment as we engage in meaningful discussion in an effort to grow closer as a campus community.

Guide our minds and hearts throughout the year so that we work for the good of our community and help all your people. Fill us with the grace of the spirit and continue to remind us that all that we do and accomplish is for the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of you, and for the service of humanity. Help us to grow in peace and understanding with one another.

Lord, we thank you for the blessings that you have bestowed upon Xavier University and its employees. Help us to realize how thankful we are to be working at such a wonderful institution, and that God's presence accompanies us each day of our career.

In closing, bless our families, friends, and coworkers with the gifts of kindness, patience, love, and respect. Give us the grace to share these gifts. Empower us to enjoy the second half of this summer, whether at work or on vacation, before welcoming the students back at the end of August, as You lead all of us through a successful academic year.

Lord, we bring before you these prayers and the prayers that we hold silently in our hearts. We ask all of this in God's name.

We offer salutations and respect to all present at this meeting and
to all who will be affected by it.
We brush off the chairs on which we sit -
to make a clear space for a meeting of minds.
We brush off from our clothing any debris picked up on the way -
to clear our minds of extraneous matters.
We wipe the blood from our hands -
to acknowledge and apologize for any hurt we have inflicted.
We wipe the tears from our eyes -
to acknowledge and forgive any hurt we have received.
We take the lump out of our throats -
to let go of any sadness or disappointment.
We take the tightness out of our chests -
to let go of any fear or resentment.
We acknowledge and pray for guidance -
to the Great Creator Spirit of All Life.

Heavenly Father,
send the Spirit of your son
to remain with us during our meeting.
Let him guide us, and inspire us
to think and speak according to the mind of Jesus.
Fill us with your joy and love,
and help us to put our plans into practice.

Lord, we are meeting today to conduct matters of business.
Guide our hearts and our minds in the spirit of fairness, right
thought and speech. Impart Your supreme wisdom upon our
activities so that our affairs may reach a successful conclusion.
Thank You for being our source of guidance today.

Lord, as we go into this meeting, we place ourselves before You, for You are filled with the beauty and light and care deeply about us. Help us to value and appreciate those we are gather with. may Your light enfold us. May Your Spirit guide us. May Your grace abound in is.

Almighty God,
Thank you for the beauty and majesty we see in your creation.
Thank you for the opportunity to care for the world you have made.
We ask that your blessing would rest on this team, that you would give us
great vision and enthusiasm for our work.
Please bless the efforts of our hands, the bonds between us and the
influence of our work in this location and beyond.
Lord, as we plan and share together now, may you guide us by your Holy Spirit and lead us into all truth.

Loving God,

We come to you in gratitude today

Giving thanks for fellowship and friendship

And the promise of a new school year full of hopes and plans

We welcome our new colleagues into our family and ask that you bless them and guide them as they begin their journey with us

Bless and guide those of us who join them today as we seek to share our well-worn and well-intentioned paths with them, and as we delight in learning what new things they have to teach us

Help us to be present and compassionate for those for whom these new beginnings bring fear and uncertainty

Lead us in all the work we do, so that our students may reap the benefits of our collective wisdom and experience

And let us all marvel in the joy of being together on this beautiful day
