Prayer For School Recognition Day

Dear God,

Grant our teachers an abundance of Your wisdom. Prepare their hearts to welcome and love our loved ones, and may we make sure to show them love and respect in return. Give them grace as they help students who aren't thriving, courage to say what needs to be said, tools and knowledge on how and when to speak love, and strength when they feel weak. When they feel unseen, remind them that no moment goes unnoticed. They are shaping the future in one million small - yet incredibly important - ways every day. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the gift of learning they share with our children. Bless them, Lord, and may they see even just a glimpse of how their faithfulness will forever impact generations to come.


Father, Praise You for the opportunity to be mothers and fathers. You craft each life with importance. Every one equally loved by You, our faithful and loving Father. We know that You have a purpose for each life You draft, and praise You that we get to be a part of that purpose.
Thank You for every day they hop into the car or off the school bus safely returned to us. The joys of parenthood are as abundant as the worries. We worry about our kids, God. School should be a safe place for them to learn, grow, and foster the friendships You designed us to crave. But the world is broken, and school isn't safe. There are lock-down drills that send teachers to dark corners to huddle with their students. Bless the teachers that fight back their own fear to risk their lives for our children.

Schools have been attacked. Gunshots have filled hallways and forever changed the way we feel when we say goodbye to our kids each morning. Be with us as we struggle to maintain composure on the days the depth of reality is too much for us to swallow.

God, there is a reason You tell us to have faith like that of a child. They are bursting with curiosity and full of love. Protect their innocence and preserve the spark in their eyes from the darkness of the world. Let them be little lights to their parents and teachers. Allow them to grow and have a fair opportunity to learn.

Father, we confess our worry and our fear to You today. You tell us not to worry, but it is so hard not to cry when we think of what other parents have had to suffer on account of the tragedy we prepare to face everyday. Comfort their hearts in a special way.

Bless our children and keep them safe from physical harm. Protect them from abuse, abduction, child trafficking, and addiction. Guard their hearts from the devil's schemes, and protect their minds from things that are not appropriate for their eyes to see and their ears to hear. Bless them with hearts of compassion for their fellow students and teachers.

May they be kind on the playground and quiet in the hallways. Protect our children from gossip and bullying. May they know and hear Your voice louder than all the others.

Godly friends are important, and we pray today that You bless our children with those friends. May their friendships be innocent and light, and may the be filled with kindness, understanding, and compassionate consideration for one another.

God, it's hard to let go of our kids, and send them out into a world that is so unstable and so volatile. But You are bigger than all of our worries. You are bigger than our worst fears. Send Your Holy Spirit to quicken in our hearts as we seek You in Your Word and pray to You for comfort. Remind us that our children are Your children, and that You love them infinitely more than we do. You love us, and them, so much that You sent Your Son Jesus to die on a cross. In the most cruel way to die, the Savior of the World hung there for us. For all of us. My we always cling to the cross for our hope, and light the path for our children to, as well.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

Go out in joy as you celebrate your achievement here today. Go out with confidence, know that the God of love will lead your way. Go out in unity, take your gifts and give them to the world. Go out with strength, clothed and equipped with all you've learned. Go out with wisdom, as God renews your mind each day. Go out in love with kindness and blessings to give away. Go out and take your studies to bless God's beautiful world. Go out with freedom, there's so much more to see, enjoy and learn.

O Eternal God, bless all schools, colleges, and universities [and especially __________], that they may be lively centers for sound learning, new discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom; and grant that those who teach and those who learn may find you to be the source of all truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Almighty God, As we gather today, we thank you for the blessing of learning. Thank you for the privilege of studying in our chosen areas and gaining new skills. May each graduate today feel proud and enjoy celebrating their success. Lord, we pray that they would be able to use this qualification and knowledge to go out and bless the world. Please foster within them a continued passion for learning as they journey onwards. Thank you for every aspect of their time with us: the knowledge gained, the friendships made and the dreams and visions that they carry in their hearts. Father, as we dedicate this celebration to you, we thank you for leading and guiding us all. Amen.

Father, we thank you so much for our time here together For all the friends we have made For all the days of laughter and fun And for all the times of great discovery and learning. We thank You for all who have given of their energy and skill So that we can graduate today. Our teachers and mentors Our family and loved ones We thank You for them and give them all to You in prayer. As this chapter on our life closes, so a new one begins. We present ourselves like an open book before You. Come and scribe Your words of life into our lives - Fill our minds with Your thoughts Fill our bodies with Your strength Fill our hearts with Your dreams That we might eternally love and serve You This day and every day. We ask all this in the glorious name of Jesus Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit World without end. Amen.

Dear God, Today we join with heaven as we celebrate and give thanks for every student here. Thank you that each one is unique and brimming with potential. Thank you for leading them in their learning, for keeping them safe as they studied, and for watching over them in their final exams. We pray that they may all feel proud this day and enjoy sharing their achievements with family and friends. May today be a memory that burns bright within them as they embark on life's great adventure. Amen.

Our heavenly Father, we come before you today with humble hearts and with gratefulness for all the wonders and blessings You have showered upon us. We thank You Father for sustaining us from our first months of preparation up to this time of the day. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be in this momentous event wherein we can showcase the wisdom and skills that only come from You. We consider this opportunity as a chance of being with other contestants all over the country, a chance of meeting new friends and a time of seeing old acquaintances from other competitions before. We thank you for our parents, teachers ,school administration members and friends who have taken their time to be with us all throughout, in presence or in prayers, to cheer us on whatever the outcome holds. Thank you for the facilitators whom you have planted the desire and the enthusiasm to hold such gratifying event which enables youths to experience the thrills of a healthy competition.

Father, this occasion is indeed one of those things we will take with us as we live our lives ahead. This exposure is not about the medals we will be receiving at the end of the day, nor about the one who will emerge as the best. This is about the great opportunity to be blessed by You and the chance to be dubbed as one of God's bests. This is also about the character honed in us during our trainings. Truly, discipline, perseverance, and the determination to excel are instilled in us abundantly. This is not about ranking one's self among bests, but this is about the humble heart of a person who is able to see how blessed he is despite the odds and difficulties along the way. Lord, we acknowledge that everything comes from You the God who orchestrates every second of our lives so perfectly because of His great love for us. All the praises, awards, and accolades that we will receive today are meant to be given back to You. It is because of Your grace and Your guidance that we have come this far. Whatever is set before us, we give all the glory back to You. Once again, we praise You and we thank You for the several months of successful events You have prearranged for us Father. Continue to bless each and every one of us as we commence the last phase of this race which is set before us. Equip us with Your wisdom and humility as we do our best for You. All of these we pray in the sweetest and mighty name of our Christ Jesus.
