Prayer For Reconciliation Of Broken Relationship

Heavenly Father, we gather together and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful Name of Jesus Christ.

Where two or more are gathered there You'll be in the midst of us and anything we agree upon as touching You will surely do.


Dear Heavenly Father God hear our prayers. We ask for your will be done for our broken relationships to be restored..Your word says that You would restore what the devil has taken. Thank you Jesus for being our Savior and hearing our prayers. Amen.

Pray to God to restore you. I believe God knows better, just one other thing do what you want not what people say. I personally am going through the same thing as you more or less except that i got scared of being hurt my own insecurity that i decided to talk myself our of it. But everyday i wrestle with my heart during this restoration i have seen my own faults and problems and i believe I will be in a better place after the full restoration as i know my restoration is not over yet. Just pray about it. Stay strong

Father God,

We love you. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ to be an example of someone who walked in love and sought peace, even in the hardest circumstances. God, we ask that you give us eyes to see the other person in this broken relationship in the way that you see them. Give us the ability to forgive as you forgive. Triune God, help us to love in the same unconditional way that you do. In this relationship, we pray for your will to be done.

Thank you, Father, for sending your Son, Jesus, to be our example, but even more we thank you that we are reconciled to you through him.

In Jesus name, we pray,


Loving God,
you have reconciled us in Christ Jesus
and have given us the ministry of reconciliation.
We pray for all those from whom we are estranged.
Bring healing to strained or broken relationships.
Forgive us for the times we have wronged others,
whether by ignorance, neglect, or intention.
Grant us the courage and the grace to seek their forgiveness
and opportunity to make amends.
Where others have wronged us,
grant us a gracious spirit,
that we might forgive
even as we have been forgiven in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dear Father, I am heartbroken, for our love and bond has been shattered and scattered into little pieces across the landscape of our lives. Hopes and dreams lie broken, ties of intimacy and trust are fractured, and the pathway of our lives has been changed. There is no return to all that we held together before. Yet we come before you, knowing that you love and care for each fragment of our lives, that in you there is nothing that cannot be restored, mended or re-made. So help us Lord to gather these fragments the memories shared, the combined loves and passions and the grace that was built into our relationship. Show us dear Lord how to restore each area of our relationship, how to use your love and grace to mend and build a new union. Re-weave these ties of romance, of connection, of shared dreams and visions back into a new strength. And help us to keep the most wonderful parts of us. Help us to sift out the rejection, the disappointments, the fears, the hurts and the regrets. May we leave these things in your hands, at the foot of the cross, and build only with Kingdom treasure. Give us the patience, faith and tenacity to trust that in you we can be made new. Today is a new page, Our story is yet to be written, We place our trust in you. Amen.

Dear Father,

You long to draw us together as family. Thank you that your kingdom provides us with the framework for unity and the channels for forgiveness. And yet, I find myself at a difficult time in this relationship. Although my love for my families and friends is always there, sometimes I freeze and lose the way. So I pray you would reveal the way for me to heal this relationship, come show me my part in your plan for us. And help me to have the love, grace and wisdom to pursue reconciliation. Please give me your hope to believe that with your help we can move into a new season, free to walk closely together again.


Lord, I know that so often when we make foolish mistakes, we have to take the responsibility for the outcome, which is not always the way that we would hope. But I do pray that our relationship is not finished, and that in Your grace You would restore again the joy of being together and the special love we had for each other.

Change Me Lord, remove this jealous streak that has caused me so many problems in my life, for I know that this is not from You Lord. Make me more like the Lord Jesus, not only in my actions but in my attitudes and emotions. May Your will be done in our lives and even if we do not get back together Lord, I pray that we may be reconciled, so that we may separate graciously and not in the current animosity. I ask this in Jesus' name,
