Prayer For Reconciliation Of Friendship

Proverbs 27:17 says As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Lord, this verse has never been truer in my case. Deep down, I know Name, like me, or anybody else has his/her flaws. That's what makes us human and thus, why we need You. Lord of Hosts, I pray that You rekindle the flame between me and Name. We need You to help us keep this miracle, that we call friendship. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for the season of friendship You granted me with the person You placed on my heart today. It didn't last as long as I thought it would, but it was a gift nonetheless, and so I praise You in spite of the pain of loss I still feel today. Please shield me from the cords of bitterness that sometimes rear their ugly heads, and give me eyes to see the greater good that You have in store for me and for my friend as we continue life's journey on separate paths. Bless her, Lord, and provide for her every need and for mine, as well. It's in the Name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, that I pray. Amen.

Lord, today I come to you hurting. This wound from a friend is almost more than I can bear. I feel broken hearted, and I want justice. Lord, I know that justice is not mine to give, so I come to you open handed. Here is the friendship that has wounded me so much, Lord- take this hurt from me, help me feel your peace and your love toward me now.

I don't want to extend grace. But I know you have been so gracious toward me- all my life you have lavished grace on me as I've sinned against you. Help me be humble. Help me see my part to play. Help me give grace and love toward my friend.

Soften my friend's heart toward me now- let them return grace to me too.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

I come before to give You thanks for everything that You have done, everything that You are doing and everything that You will do in my life. Mighty God I ask you to restore my friendship with my unrequited love. Please open his heart and allow him to remember I tried to be a good friend to him always, and my care and concern for him were always genuine. Please allow him to truly forgive me for needing him too much and perhaps allowing my feelings for him to become too apparently clear. My Lord I know I have caused this situation, but I also know that You paid for our mistakes and sins on the cross. I know You have mercy and I know You always take care of me. I miss my friend so much. At one point we were truly close, and were honestly there for each other. I know my feelings weren't returned, but I love him with my whole heart. I know his actions now bespeak not wanting me in his life, and I know I angered, overwhelmed and frustrated him. But I can't bring myself to believe in my heart of hearts that in his heart of hearts he doesn't remember caring for me, or my attempts at friendship. I know I've been met with silence for months, but I have faith that the person I believe he is the person who completely captured my heart is a person who won't turn his back and harden his heart forever. I can't believe he's selfish, or a narcissist. I'm begging for your help Lord to help him remember I do care for him, and one more person who cares for him truly, despite my mistakes, is worthy of forgiveness. Dear Lord I am asking for a reconciliation in my friendship. At the moment the situation DOES seen impossible, but I know You have plans for me, and I'm holding faith that those plans don't include the recriminations, self-doubt, loneliness and grief his loss has resulted in and its negative impact on my daily life. I do not know right now how the situation will resolve, but the continued pain of this stonewalling is crushing me. I'm praying for forgiveness, a chance to regain some of our friendship, and that his heart will thaw and he'll remember that while he's surrounded by people who will help him in his new professional life, when he was at his most vulnerable he trusted me. I believe You can and will bestow your grace, love and light on this situation. I'm asking with my whole heart for a chance to communicate again. I love him, Lord. I believe in him. I believe in You as well, and turn my damaged heart to you in faith. Also Lord help every single person in a same situation, have mercy upon them. I ask this in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

Lord God,

You have called your servants
to ventures
of which we cannot see the ending,
by paths as yet untrodden,
through perils unknown.

Give us faith to go out with good courage,
not knowing where we go,
but only that your hand is leading us
and your love supporting us;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Lord God, bring us together as one,
reconciled with you and reconciled with each other.
You made us in your likeness,
you gave us your Son Jesus Christ.
He has given us forgiveness from sin.
Lord God, bring us together as one,
different in culture,
but given new life in Jesus Christ,
together as your body, your Church, your people.
Lord God, bring us together as one,
reconciled, healed, forgiven,
sharing you with others as you have called us to do.
In Jesus Christ, let us be together as one.

O God of shalom,
we have built up walls to protect ourselves from our enemies,
but those walls also shut us off from receiving your love.
Break down those walls.
Help us to see that the way to your heart
is through the reconciliation of our own hearts with our enemies.
Bless them and us, that we may come to grow in love
for each other and for you, through Jesus Christ. Amen

Tonight we gather to affirm one another and to remove the barriers that seem to sour our relationships and keep us at a distance. Heal the short tempers, the crabbiness and the grudges we hold, against one another, against our political system, against our Church, against our financial institutions. We could go on and on. Prompt us to be beacons in the present darkness, and especially beacons to one another. We are all guilty of some selfishness, many of us have lived beyond our means and we become angry and irrational and embrace ideologies that protect our acquisitions. We need your help to stop contributing to the larger greed that tears at our world. We believe in the power of your grace to change our lives and we promise tonight to be once again open to that grace. Bless us with a peaceful spirit and a desire to be reconciled with one another.
