Prayer For Rebuking The Devil

Give the victory, Lord, in Jesus' Name! I REBUKE you, Satan! God DAMN you, Devil, in the Name of Jesus! You promised, Lord Jesus, that whatsoever we would bind on Earth would be bound in Heaven! (Mat.18:18) So I BIND all the power of the Devil right now and I command him to get OUT, to get AWAY from me, from this house, from this property, from this neighbourhood, never to return, in Jesus' name! Amen

Help me, Lord, not to surrender one inch of the victory You have for me to the Devil, not one inch of Thy blessing! Help me to lean on You and look to You for help, to trust You for COMPLETE deliverance, Lord, for Thy glory and for Thy name's sake and Thy Word's sake!

Thank You Jesus for these battles which are making me strong! Thank You for the opportunities You have given me to get real close to You, Lord, to get desperate with You and to lean on You when I see that I can't do it. The battles are greater than I am, Lord, but YOU are greater than they are! Amen

I know you have the victory for me, Jesus, and that as I surrender to Thee, the Enemy can't have the victory, he can't have me or my usefulness or ANYTHING about me, ANY part of me, because YOU are standing there, Lord Jesus, just like You told Peter, and PRAYING for me that my faith fail not! (Lk.22:31,32) You're strengthening me so that I in turn can strengthen others, and comfort others with the comfort wherewith I have been comforted (2Cor.1:4), thank You Jesus!

THE ol' Devil can't resist Scripture, the Word, that's the most powerful weapon you've got! So quote it out loud, sing it, shout it and praise and thank the Lord for all His goodness! Then get BUSY WORKING for the Lord and helping OTHERS! Idleness is the Devil's workshop! So defeat and drive him away by quoting Scripture, by praising the Lord and by good, positive, active WORK for Jesus!

And don't forget, no matter how you feel after a prayer of deliverance, it doesn't really make any difference! You have to keep BELIEVING and PRAISING and THANKING the Lord whether you FEEL delivered or not!-Because your praise is a sign that you really believe the Lord has given you the victory! Praise is the voice of FAITH! And FAITH is the VICTORY that overcometh the World, and without FAITH it is impossible to please Him! (1Jn.5:4; Heb.11:6) So take the victory that the Lord's given you by faith, thank Him for it by faith, and then WALK by faith! (2Cor.5:7) God bless and keep you fighting and going on to greater victories for Jesus! In Jesus' name, amen!

Almighty God, cover my mind with the helmet of Your salvation, reminding me constantly that I am Your child and the enemy can't mess with me. Fix my thoughts, Lord Jesus, on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. Help me to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise so Your peace will guard my mind (Philippians 4:8-9). Don't let me copy the behavior and customs of this world, but transform me into a new person by changing the way I think. Then I will learn to recognize Your will for me which is good and pleasing and perfect (Romans 12:2, NLT). Saturate my mind with Your truth so I am convinced that the answers are found in Your Word, not out in the world. Amen

Lord God, Captain of my heart, Satan knows if I follow Your Greatest Commandment to love You with all my heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37) he is powerless over me. Guard my heart, Lord Jesus, so that it beats for You alone. Don't let me grow complacent toward You or be lured to love anyone or anything more than You. Remove the idols from my heart so that You alone command my allegiance and utmost affections Help me to love and forgive others as You have forgiven me so the enemy can get no foothold through hate or bitterness on my part. Cultivate in my heart Your love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things" (1 Corinthians 13:7, NASB). Finally, Lord, set my heart on things above, not on earthly things. Help me to remember that You died for me and my life is now hidden which Christ in God (Colossians 3:1-2). Increase my longing for heaven so this world holds no power over me. Amen

Heavenly Father, I ask You in the name, and through the Blood of Your Divine Son, to rebuke Satan for taking captive that which belongs to You.
I ask Jesus to place His Crown of thorns around (Name the person) so that those with wrong influences will lose interest and depart.
Mary Mother of Jesus, place your mantle of love around, (your son and/or your daughter.)
St. Michael, protect them.

Lord.It's both of our faults.I was mean and unforgiving and my ex-boyfriend was too scared and gave up too easily. We strayed away from each other yet again to the point that he doesn't want anything to do with me.

He tries to mask all of the pain and guilt inside by being extra happy. I get the brunt of the pain by being depressed inside out.

We both need deliverance and forgiveness. We need to feel loved and trusted. We need each other. We're so attached to each other that I can't let him go and he can't forgive me properly.

His pride and ego get's the best of him and he won't give in to my apologies. I try my hardest to show him that I?m a genuine person but he won't open his eyes.

The devil clouded his mind with thoughts of me being a bad person and the worst match he could ever have. I had him right where I wanted him two times and I lost him to the devil again.

The evilness tries so hard to keep us separate and make us feel miserable inside. I can't even get inside of his heart anymore let alone be with him. I had enough!

I want him back but this time for good. I want the both of us to realize that we need each other. I want God to protect us and to keep our love for each other strong.

I can't go on like this without this issue resolved and I know he can?t forgive until his heart is open again.

Lord, please give us the strength to carry on and need each other. I know he?s the one for me and I?m not giving up until I?m with him in the end.

In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.