Prayer For Rebuking Evil Spirits

Lord, we lift our eyes above our circumstances and fix our eyes on you!

You are our Maker of heaven and earth and You are where our help comes from! Thank you God that you are not surprised by the troubles facing this world because you neither slumber nor sleep. You are our Keeper, our Shade, our Shelter. Please keep us from evil and give us wisdom for our going out and coming in today. Thank you that our lives are in your hands. We take confidence in your ability to guard, guide, and care for us this day.

In the Mighty name of Jesus we pray,


Lord God Almighty, grant your people grace to withstand the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Free us from the lie that our life rests solely in our own hands and remind us that the eternal life you give is life in your presence now and always. Give us grace to follow you, the only true God and the giver of life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

I thank Thee, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, that Thou hast kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray Thee to keep me this day also from sin and all evil, that all my doings and life may please Thee. For into Thy hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Thy holy angel be with me, that the Wicked Foe may have no power over me.


God damn you little devils in Jesus' Name! I DEFEAT you in the Name of Jesus Christ! I CURSE you in the Name of Jesus Christ! I RESIST you in the Name of Jesus Christ! In Jesus' name I COMMAND you to depart, in the Name of JESUS I COMMAND you to depart, I resist you in the Name of Jesus!

I rebuke you, evil spirits, whoever or whatever you are, in Jesus' name! In the Name of Jesus! The Lord shall DELIVER me from EVERY evil work, and will preserve me unto His Heavenly Kingdom! And He Who hath begun a good work in me will PERFORM it until the day of Jesus Christ! (2Tim.4:18; Phil.1:6) So get OUT of here, Devil! I don't want ANYTHING to do with you, and I RESIST you, Satan, in Jesus' name! Amen

Jesus, I want to be willing and yielded, because You can only fill EMPTY vessels that are thirsty for the Water of Life, for Your Spirit! Help me to be empty, with no will of my own, no thoughts or ideas of my own, but just willing to receive whatever YOU have for me! To be broken and remade and yielded completely to whatever YOU want to do with me, Lord, whatever it is! Help me, Jesus!

And if there are any bad spirits or evil influences from my past life, I resist and rebuke them in the Name of Jesus Christ! DELIVER me, Lord Jesus! I also rebuke any ancestors, relatives, former friends or foes who may have sent any curses my way by means of any little devils! Curse those that curse me, Lord Jesus, and turn their curses upon their OWN heads! (Psa.70:3) Protect me and DELIVER me from their evil influence, from their bitterness, from their hate, from their curses! And if there is anyone who has died and passed into the Spirit World who is attacking or fighting or hindering me, I resist them and curse them and rebuke them and BIND them in Jesus' name, amen! Send any such wicked spirits to HELL where they belong, Lord, in Jesus' name!

O Divine Eternal Father, in union with your Divine Son and the Holy Spirit, and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg You to destroy the Power of your greatest enemy the evil spirits. Cast them into the deepest recesses of hell and chain them there forever! Take possession of your Kingdom which You have created and which is rightfully yours.
Heavenly Father, give us the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I repeat this prayer out of pure love for You with every beat of my heart and with every breath I take.

Lord, I give my body to You. Let it be a living and holy sacrifice, the kind You will find acceptable (Romans 12:1, NLT). I know from Your Word that Satan can not sift me like wheat or even lay a hand on me without Your permission. So place Your hedge around me so that my body Your temple can be preserved, pure, holy, and healthy for You (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Block Satan's attempts to make me doubt that I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and don't let me listen to his taunts to harm my body through neglect, contempt, addiction or abuse. I am Yours, Lord Jesus, and I want to glorify You in my body so keep me from Satan's attempts and the temptations in this world and in my flesh to make me impure, to dress immodestly, to make my body a showcase or advertisement for evil or self glorification. Amen

Lord, we love each other. Yes, we both had unhealthy habits, anger, insecurities, fears but You teach us that those things and our fears and mistakes do not define us.
Do not let these mistakes we've made, because of lies and tricks from the evil one, hurt and separate us forever.
I will stand for this man until the end of my days for the promise You have given me.
Abba, in Jesus' name I pray and ask/insist humbly and with respect. Amen!