Prayer For Rebellious Children

Father, in the Name of Jesus, I praise You and thank You that You are a good God. Thank You that You love me, and that You love my son/daughter. Father, I thank You for giving me the honor and privilege of being _____'s parent. You knew him/her before he/she was born. You knit my child together in the womb, and You had great plans for his/her life before it had even begun.

Lord, You know the trials that I have faced in watching my child go against Your Word, making poor and damaging choices. I ask today that You heal my heart and renew my strength to stand for my child in Jesus' Name.

Your Word says You will pour out Your Spirit upon my offspring and Your blessing upon my descendants. So, I declare by faith that my child hears the voice of Your Spirit and the voice of strangers my child will not follow.

Father, right now, I repent of any rebellion in my own life, and I ask You to forgive me and show me any areas where rebellion exists, so that I can root it out of my life forever with Your supernatural help.

I know that the spirit of rebellion is a demonic spirit and has no right and no place in my child. So, by the authority You have given me, through Christ Jesus, I command every wrong spirit, including the spirit of rebellion, to leave my child right now in the Name of Jesus'. No weapon formed against ______ will prosper, I send angels to take charge over my child, I plead the blood of Jesus over _____, and I declare Psalm 91 protection over him/her. I break every stronghold right now in Jesus' Name.

Satan, you cannot have my child! I resist you! Now go!

Lord, I know it is Your will for _______ to come into the family of God, to love You, serve You, and find peace, joy and happiness all the days of his/her life. I thank You for lifting the veil from my child's eyes, for convicting __________, that his/her faith will not fail him/her, and bringing him/her to a broad place.

I thank You and praise You that he/she will come home from the distant land of the enemy and return to You.

In Jesus' Name. Amen.

I bow humbly before the heavenly Father to intercede for my son/daughter, _______. I bring him/her before You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank You that You have loved _______ with the love of Calvary. I thank You that You gave him/her to us to love and nurture in Christ. I ask You to forgive us for all of our failures to guide him/her in the way he/she ought to go. I am thankful that You are sovereign and can use even the depths of sin to which he/she is now enslaved to rebound to your glory. I praise You for this great trial that humbles my heart before You.

Accepting my position of being mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds, I bring all of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ to focus directly against the powers of darkness that blind and bind _______. I pray the victory of our Lord's incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and glorification directly against all of Satan's power in _______'s life. I bind up all powers of darkness set to destroying _______, and I loose him/her from their blinding in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I invite the blessed Holy Spirit to move upon _______'s heart and to convict him/her of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment to come. In my priestly ministry, I confess _______'s sins unto You and plead Your compassionate mercy toward him/her. I confess his/her yielding to all manner of fleshly sins which has given Satan such place in his/her life. I plead the blood of Christ over _______'s wickedness and wait upon the Holy Spirit to bring him/her to repentance, faith, and life in the Lord Jesus Christ. By faith I claim him/her for a life yielded to serve the true and living God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Dear Father in Heaven,

You understand a parent's heart. You know that even though I trust You, it's so hard to leave my child completely in Your hands. I'm worried, even angry about the evil influences that push against ________. Please place Your hands around _________ and guide him/her into Your presence. Give him/her a thirst for You and a dissatisfaction for the pleasures of this world. Place people in _________'s path to influence and encourage him/her toward the heart of God. I ask for the Holy Spirit to convict, persuade, and strengthen __________. In Jesus' name, I pray the Holy Spirit's power over the enemy and his forces of evil that daily assault my child. I pray against the enemy's deceitful promises; I pray against the pleasure of evil--may sin taste bitter to my child. Lord, let his/her harmful friends and dangerous actions frighten __________; lead __________ to run toward You for protection, power, and purpose. Help __________ to find his/her identity in You alone, and not in the lies of the enemy of Christ. I claim victory in my child's life because of Christ's sacrifice on the Cross and His powerful resurrection! In Jesus' holy and mighty name, I pray for __________ to return to blessings of a life lived wholly for God. May ________ walk worthy of Your calling, may __________ please You. May __________ conform no longer to the world but be transformed in his/her mind. Lead him/her into your good and perfect will. I give him/her into Your hands to transform him/her through Your power.

In Jesus' precious name,

Father, open my son's/daughter's eyes and heart to see what darkness he/she is living in. Let them see the difference between right and wrong. Show them clearly the sin they are living in. Help them to make wise choices. Lord I pray that you would send Godly people into my son's/daughter's life. Surround him/her with protective angels. Allow no hurt or harm to come his/her way. Let him/her know how much you them and that you have a plan for your life. Continue to give me unconditional love and patience. Amen

Dear Lord, please help my children as they learn and grow. Please grant them an eternal perspective that helps them to see beyond the here and now. Please help foster this worldview and use me as a parent to plant the right seeds seeds that will grow and flourish throughout their lives. Please grant my children the wisdom to know right from wrong and to discern what Your divine will is for their lives. And, if and when they fall, please grant me the peace and wisdom to help them get back up. Thank you for the blessing of children, Lord. In the name of your son Jesus I pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father, We trust that you are a good good father toward your children even though we couldn't understand all the sufferings among and around us. There are mysteries that we as fallen beings could not comprehend; yet your love has been shown fully through Jesus and the cross. You loved the world so much that you sent your one and only son to bear our sins and burdens. We are not alone because you, Jesus, suffered, too; yet you did not sin at all (unlike us forgive us!). You are not ignorant of pain, sorrow, loneliness, misunderstanding, isolation, denial or any kind of discomfortbecause you walked through all and more. So we look upon to you for comfort, healing, restoration, justice, hope, and all the heavenly gifts and blessings that you have been granting to us everyday of our lives. Among our sufferings, we want to declare again to ourselves and to the world that you are the caring creator of the whole earth, the loving and kind father, the eternal covenant and promise keeper, the ultimate ruler of all the time and human historyeach nation, people, tongue and individual souls. We are your people and children, and we put all of our trust and hope in you alone, forever and ever. Amen!

May ________ walk worthy of Your calling, may __________ please You. May __________ conform no longer to the world but be transformed in his/her mind. Lead him/her into your good and perfect will. I give him/her into Your hands to transform him/her through Your power.

In Jesus' precious name,

Help me, Lord Jesus, not to be rebellious and stubborn and self-willed, like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which have to be turned about by bit and bridle, and even then they kick against the goads and the pricks and the conviction of Thy Holy Spirit! (Psa.32:9) Help me, Lord, to surrender my ALL to You! You said, Whosoever shall fall upon this Stone shall be BROKEN. (Mat.21:44) So help me to truly fall upon YOU, to cast my ALL upon You, Jesus, so that You can break and remake me into the vessel YOU want me to be for Your glory!