Prayer For Real Estate Agents

Father, we come before You with a heart of thankfulness for Who You are. You are our God, our Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth, our Provider.
We call forth INVESTORS and PARTNERSHIPS that would maximize God's glory in real estate transactions. We believe and ask for the softening of every hard situation that would prevent the release of all things related to certain properties, in your perfect timing. We ask for and we declare exposure to hindrances and solutions to difficult circumstances. We ask for Divine Wisdom for all those seeking to diversify their portfolios. We know that it is YOU that gives us power to CREATE WEALTH. We will not fear or be moved by market turndowns or current natural economic conditions.
We release INHERITANCES and CREATIVE BUYING and SELLING and TRADING that would result in the GLORY OF GOD and a PROFIT for KINGDOM people!
We ask You for and we claim, by faith, DIVINE FAVOR and GRACE and we believe that YOU are creating circumstances that would maximize YOUR GLORY. Amen

Heaven and Earth, our Provider.
We come before You with Your Word in our hearts and we speak boldly the exceeding great and precious promises that You have given.
You have commanded us and we will obey. We ask today in the Name of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Savior, and we fully come into agreement together for Divine intervention in all areas concerning real estate.
We decree and declare that homes, offices, complexes, apartments, condominiums, time shares, rental property, vacation properties, commercial properties, residential properties, church buildings, ministry facilities and properties, business-related and investment properties, inheritance properties, and every real estate situation come into perfect alignment to the purposes of God for His Kingdom and for His people. Amen

Lord, we ask that you bring to our mind anything that YOU would have us to do that would result in a quick and profitable transaction. Our ears are open unto your Voice. We wait before YOU and we believe the time is now.
We have done all we know to do. We know YOU are a MIRACLE working God and there is nothing too difficult for YOU. Now, we stand in your GRACE and FAVOR and believe that the HOPE to which YOU have called us is not bound by anything temporal or earthly. We need YOUR intervention and, by faith, we thank YOU in advance for all that YOU are doing. We know that YOU are working in ways that we cannot see to bring release and financial blessings into our lives.
We stand in faith and we give you praise and glory and believe that You will be exalted through it all.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.

God, we thank you that we can trust you for a roof over our head. You promise this and you deliver! We thank you for giving us our home. We need to pass it off into other hands now, however, and we ask for your blessing in this process. We ask you to be our primary real estate agent. Bring us together with the right buyer, someone looking now for the specific criteria we offer. Play matchmaker, Father. Give us wisdom to make any changes in the home itself or in our expectation of price to bring this about. Give us creativity to look outside the box and to think of new possibilities. We trust you with this whole transaction. In Jesus Name. Amen

Thank You Father for already equipping me with everything I need to live a prosperous and victorious life. Thank you that you are a God of restoration where I have joy, forgiveness, peace, and healing.

Thank you for planting on the inside of me the seeds of possibilities, incredible potential, creative ideas, and dreams. I have what I need to succeed, because I am the child of Most High God.

I recognize that you didn't make me to live in mediocrity. Youve created me to excel in every area of my family life, my business, my health, my education and my finances. Thank you Father for the ability, insight, talent, wisdom, and Your supernatural power to fulfill my God-given destiny.

Thank You Lord for the new thing you are doing in my life. Your word says You take pleasure in prospering Your children spiritually, physically, and materially. I see myself blessed, rising to new levels of prosperity because I am more than a conqueror.

Thank you for Best Realty Services where they seek to improve the quality of my life and my business, as a realtor and investor. I get the Best training, funding, and support empowering me to my highest potential. Because I am a seed faith giver I have preferential treatment with everything in my life.

My mind and heart is open to receive the Favor of God. Im speaking favor with buyers, sellers, distress homeowners, equity homeowners, investors, realtors, brokers, bank negotiators, transactional funding lenders, AB, BC, and CD transactions, the end buyer for flip property, landlords, loan reps, title and escrow companies, inspectors, appraisers, BPO agents, contractors, all lien holders, and underwriters.

Thank You for the Wisdom to handle and negotiate Short Sales, REOs, Commercial Property, Apartments 10-20 Units, Subject To, Wholesaling, Agreement for Deed, Master Deed, and all other real estate related transactions.

Thank you for 10 monthly escrow closings grossing over 100k that is deposited into by Wells Fargo Bank. 10 % savings in my Patelco Credit Union, and ING bank account every month in 2011. Thank you for my escrow coordinator.

Thank you for my real estate team of experts. Thank you for my notary business. Thank you that all that my hands touch, all that my mind has conceived into a businesses idea shall come to pass.

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen

Thank you for Best Realty Services where they seek to improve the quality of my life and my business, as a realtor and investor. I get the Best training, funding, and support empowering me to my highest potential. Because I am a seed faith giver I have preferential treatment with everything in my life.

My mind and heart is open to receive the Favor of God. Im speaking favor with buyers, sellers, distress homeowners, equity homeowners, investors, realtors, brokers, bank negotiators, transactional funding lenders, AB, BC, and CD transactions, the end buyer for flip property, landlords, loan reps, title and escrow companies, inspectors, appraisers, BPO agents, contractors, all lien holders, and underwriters.

Thank You for the Wisdom to handle and negotiate Short Sales, REOs, Commercial Property, Apartments 10-20 Units, Subject To, Wholesaling, Agreement for Deed, Master Deed, and all other real estate related transactions.

Thank you for 10 monthly escrow closings grossing over 100k that is deposited into by Wells Fargo Bank. 10 % savings in my Patelco Credit Union, and ING bank account every month in 2011. Thank you for my escrow coordinator.

Thank you for my real estate team of experts. Thank you for my notary business. Thank you that all that my hands touch, all that my mind has conceived into a businesses idea shall come to pass. Amen

Lord, we ask that you bring to our mind anything that YOU would have us to do that would

result in a quick and profitable transaction. Our ears are open unto your Voice. We wait

before YOU and we believe the time is now.

We have done all we know to do. We know YOU are a MIRACLE working God and there is nothing

too difficult for YOU.

Now, we stand in your GRACE and FAVOR and believe that the HOPE to which YOU have called

us is not bound by anything temporal or earthly. We need YOUR intervention and, by faith,

we thank YOU in advance for all that YOU are doing. We know that YOU are working in ways

that we cannot see to bring release and financial blessings into our lives.

We stand in faith and we give you praise and glory and believe that You will be exalted

through it all.

In Jesus' Name. Amen.