Prayer For Reassurance

God I ask I knock I pray in spirit Lord please help to reassure your believers of your presence in and through there lives. Please God help to guide your believers In there works skills and talents.

With the help of your angels saints servants and believers please lord help to heal the believers with broken hearts with broken minds with broken souls or those who are straying away from the faith that we may mysteriously renew one another and build one another up for good

Teach us lord how we may be better lights unto others to have a special presence upon unbelievers so we may plant more seeds of faith amen in Jesus Christ's mighty and gracious name amen

Dear Lord, may Your spirit fall fresh upon each of us today. Remind us. Reassure us. Rest upon us. Help us to be still and know that You are our loving God. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

O Precious Lord, you are the source of my strength, but Lord at this moment, all I am feeling right at this moment, is failure, rejection, and dejection, Lord I do not know what to do, where to turn.

My heart is weary my burdens is heavy, help me Lord I pray because I cannot carry these burdens alone. Bless my child and her husband, direct them in the path of grow in every areas of the lives. I pray for my neighbors love ones and friends O Lord, save us from any destructive ways, and give us comfort all around we pray. In Jesus name. Amen.

We want for nothing
if we listen to our God,
his gentle whisper
breaking through
the storms of life.

We want for nothing
if we rely upon our God,
his grace enough
to bring healing
into broken lives.

We want for nothing
in the service of our God,
in blessing others
through our lives
so we are blessed.

We want for nothing
in the worship of our God,
his Holy Spirit
the comforter
will satisfy our souls.

In my heart I have known
such intimacy with you Lord,
known you are always within my reach.
I have heard your glorious whisper
breaking through the clamour
of the world in which I move,
spent time in silent worship
in places of tranquillity and peace.
But there are moments
when deep in my soul
you seem so far away,
when the moments of my day
are consumed by my own self-interest
ambition and pride,
when my heart judges
and declares my guilt.
Draw me close again,
restore the love I first knew
that I might worship you
in spirit and truth
not only with my lips
but with each moment of my day.

Lord God,

You promise the peace of a still lake even in the midst of a storm.

You promise the peace of a slumbering child even in the middle of tension and disagreement.

You promise the peace of a poppy field even in the place of heartbreak and devastation.

Your promise is a peace that surpasses our human understanding.

So I choose to rest by the still waters, to lie down and rest amongst the poppies.

Your resurrection declared peace over trauma, power over death, and life everlasting.

I trust in you.

Good morning Lord! This is the day that you have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. With gratitude, I thank you for preserving my life for one more day. With gratitude, I thank you for your ultimate gift of love for me, in the form of your son and the sacrifice of his life on my behalf. Because of this overwhelming gift that I often cannot comprehend, I humbly submit to you. I know Lord, that I am a mere human and cannot instruct you, but you Lord can instruct me. So teach me your ways that I may rely on your faithfulness. Teach us to number our days and to use our time wisely. Amen

Father, I am tempted to worry about so many things. Our world is a mess! Forgive me for focusing on anything or anyone but You. Thank You for the Bible that equips and empowers me to live each day. Right now, I declare that You are my only Hope. Please help me remember that You really are in control.

In Jesus' Name,
