Prayer For Protection From My Enemies

Righteous Father in heaven, I know that there is a dark force out there that is opposed to You and to me. It is an invisible enemy who make try to discourage us or use others to do the same. Please help me to recognize when I'm under spiritual attacks so that I can be prepared to use the armor that You have provided for me and I also ask for Your protection for my family and from those in the local body of Christ. It seems that the world is growing more wicked every day and is a lot like Noah's day when all they thought about was doing evil (Gen 6:5). It is getting harder every day Lord to live for You so help me to resist the temptation to compromise and to stand firm on what I know is true and in the glorious name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Lord, I praise you for you gave me victory against the enemy when Christ died and rose again.

I declare that I am victorious and my enemies are defeated before you. I will succeed where they tried to stop me and blocked my path.

They shall see your glory upon my life and be put to shame.

May your blessings upon my life lead my enemies to seek you because it is not your will that anyone should perish.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Lord, I praise you because you have rescued me from the attacks of those who tried to destroy me.

I declare that I will triumph over my enemies and they will never have the victory over me. Thank you for always shielding me from my enemies and keeping them far from me.

Thank you that in Christ I always have protection from my enemies.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Lord, you are my God and deliverer. You have delivered me from many troubles in the past and I know you will never leave me.

Deliver me from my enemies and defend me from those who rise up against me. Give them no room to harm me.

Deliver me from the plans and schemes my enemies have set up to make me stumble. May their evil words upon my life fall to the ground and not bear fruit.

Let only your word bear lasting fruit in my life. Contend with those who contend with me.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Lord, I praise you because you are my refuge and dwelling place. I have nothing to fear for you are always with me. Watch over my life so that no evil will befall me and my household.

You are my hiding place and the enemy cannot get me.

Keep me away from evil in all its forms. Protect me against anyone with evil intentions upon my life and that of my family.

May they not come close to me or anything in my life, or know anything about my affairs. Hide me in your secret place.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

In the mighty name of Jesus I overthrow all transaction contrary to my breakthrough, every power jamming answers to my prayers disappear, by the blood of Jesus I shake down the seat of darkness in my heavens, I reject the power of satanic human government over my finances IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

Those that have used the power of leaves and dust against me, I decree a halt of your government over my life, I turn the table against every sorcerer in the place of my employment, business or work, no witch or wizard will prosper in the place of my employment, business or work, All satanic power can no longer kidnap my spirit IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

I decree and declare great casualty upon witches and wizards operating in my neighbourhood, the judgment of God shall torment the powers of darkness working against me both at night and in the morning, the night shall carry terror and anger against all satanic powers that are standing against me, I command the storm of destruction to gather upon every satanic power that is against my health IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS!

Right now my prayers have become earthquakes and storms in the camp of the devil that is against my life, the Lord shall gather his armors against powers that are against my intellectual growth, all sickness in my life known or unknown receive heavenly storm, all conspiracy against any part of my body receive destruction now IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

I break out of your spell now satan.

In the name of JESUS I command the deep wells within me to be unblocked and break forth!

The storm of the Lord shall pursue and overtake all powers conspiring for my demotion, From now on all my enemies will start to fight themselves I decree confusion into the camp of my enemies IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS!

FAVOUR is my name.............the devil has nothing on me! he only has one option, either to be beaten or be beaten he was, he is and he will remain a loser...

I AM NEVER ALONE... EITHER WE ARE CONTROLLED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT OR CONTROLLED BY DEMONS... right now I pray against any demon working in my life, by the POWER of the Holy ghost I brake every chain that they have used to connect themselves to me!!

I speak freedom. healing, deliverance and breakthrough In the name of JESUS

Today, I decree and declare that I are a spell breaker, no curses that run over bloodlines can stand the blood of Jesus, all generational curses are being thrown over a cliff. In Jesus mighty and matchless name,


Lord Jesus, my Precious Savior, it is not easy dealing with toxic people. They are as cunning as snakes and often seek to betray You. Therefore, I ask that You give me the wisdom that it takes to interact with these kinds of people. Help me to walk with grace and humility, not out of pride, but in legitimate concern for their salvation. Help me to have a genuine love for them, no matter how they feel about me. In Your holy name. Amen.

Lord God of Heaven's Armies, the workplace can be a vicious place. People rise against one another in a cut-throat environment. People fall over themselves to get ahead without regard to anyone else. Lord, amid such a hostile place, I ask that You watch over me. Keep me safe and secure, out of the reach of those who would do me harm. Amen.