Prayer For Protection From Super Typhoon

O Gracious God Who created the earth and all that is in it. You did give us so many blessings; Indeed, you filled the world with so much beauty, bounty and no end of wonders!

Almighty Father we lift up to you our worries and apprehensions at this very moment. An incoming super typhoon is expected to hit the Northern Luzon in a day or two. We implore on You and to Mama Mary to spare us from the destruction this typhoon may bring.

Lord you have known the misery of our people upon devastation of past natural disasters in our area of responsibility and other areas that were affected by the raging cyclone. We ask you to keep us safe and protect us from any form of pain and suffering it may bring us. Spare as well our distribution lines from any untoward devastation that will give discomforts to our people.

Again and again, we deeply ask, as this typhoon approaches our land and approaching our brothers and sisters, that You shelter all who will be in its path. Watch over everyone: our loved ones, friends, and fellowmen, many of whom are already preparing of has prepared for the devastation directed at our location. Guard us as we prepare, give us strength, courage, and resolve to ride out this storm;

All this we pray in Jesus name and the intercession of our blessed Mother Mary, Amen!

Loving Lord, we come to you trusting in your mercy and knowing that your steadfast love endures forever. Look with mercy on those who have been harmed or displaced by this disaster. Grant them your strength to meet the days ahead. Allow those who are affected to experience your peace which passes all understanding and new hope in the resurrection. Move in those who are able to give aid, that we may be your hands and heart on the earth. Be with all who offer your assistance; may your Spirit uphold them. To you face the challenges ahead. Give us the assurance of your presence even in this time so that we can cling to your promise of hope and life shown us through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, Amen.

Lord JESUS, your name is greater than any super typhoon or natural disaster, take care of Your people in the Philippines and other countries affected, provide them the strength needed to overcome this natural disaster and provide the the healing they will need when the storm calms. In Jesus name, I pray and dare to claim that JESUS will protect, rebuke the storm soon and heal the all victims. AMEN.

Lord and Holy Protector, like the disciples who were caught in their tiny boat in the midst of a mighty storm, We come to beg Your Help. We are fearful as we are surrounded by danger. We feel helpless and small before the great power of this storm which is beyond our control.

While everything seems dark and dangerous, we place our trust in You, our Lord and God. Sheltered here in our home, we are also shielded by Your Love against all that might harm us. We know that You hear all prayers; so we now, filled with confidence, lift up our petitions to You, our God.

Lord, we fear for our home, for our lives and for all we hold dear. Your Sacred Blessing is upon this home and upon each of us as well. We are secure in the power of that blessing.

May the saving power of the Cross of Your Son, Jesus, encircle us and our home. May all evil, all harm and injury, be repelled by that Sacred Sign of the Cross. May the light of this candle be for us a holy sign of Your Divine Presence that fills our home in the midst of this danger. Lord and Creator of Storms and of Rainbows, be with us in this time of danger. Amen.

Lord God, I pray that You keep safe and warm our families and loved ones. I ask that You send your angels, people, and timely practical help to those who may be affected by the typhoon. Please prevent it from causing more damage and tragedies in our nation. Please make the sun shine again, Heavenly Father.

At this difficult times, may You encourage those who are fearful and suffering right now with your comforting and healing love. And may You eventually turn their trials into triumphs.
In Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.

Almighty Father we lift up to you our worries and apprehensions at this very moment. An incoming super typhoon is expected to hit the Visayas area within this week. We implore on You and to Mama Mary to spare us the destruction this typhoon may bring. Many of us have not recovered yet the trauma and the destruction of the recent earthquake that hit us.

Please dear Lord, Mama Mary and all angels and saints in heaven protect us. We entrust our life, our future, and our being to your care. We are nothing in this world without help and assistance.
All these we pray and ask in Your name, Amen.

Heavenly father, makers of heaven and earth, we entrust our lives to you for our protection from the supertyphoon that our country arr facing today. Make it pass on us without its expected strength and do no harm to us.We know that in your power, nothing is impossible. We know that if u will it, it will happened but we beg for your mercy.

We beg for your forgiveness and courage to take your will. Thank you for whatever answer you have on our request, we believe that everything happens with good reason behind it.This we asked in your mighty name, jesus,together with the intercession of mary,with the holy spirit, one god forever and ever amen.

Lord God, I pray that You keep safe and warm our families and loved ones.

I ask that You send your angels, people, and timely practical help to those who may be affected by the typhoon. Please prevent it from causing more damage and tragedies in our nation. Please make the sun shine again, Heavenly Father.

At this difficult times, may You encourage those who are fearful and suffering right now with your comforting and healing love. And may You eventually turn their trials into triumphs.

In Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.