Prayer For Protection From Nightmares

Mighty Savior, I pray to Your holy name in my room right now before I sleep. I know that the name of the Lord is feared from the west, and Your glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy comes in like a flood in my dreams, lift me up against him with Your Holy Spirit. I will see the victory in my sleep, my mighty Savior. You do not faint or grow weary at the attacks of the adversary, so I put my trust in You to end my bad dreams. Amen.

Prince of Peace, I know that You have not given me the spirit of fear. However, I feel fearful when I sleep because of the bad dreams that surround me. Cover me with Your word right now. You have given me the spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. The bad dreams that the enemy has planted in my life will no longer take this peace that You have promised, from me. Amen.

Precious Lord, I submit myself to You! I know that all that I am and everything that I have is not Yours but belongs to You. Even my sleep belongs to You. I have resisted the devil, but he still comes to attack me at night through bad dreams. I pray that the devil will flee from me, because I am Yours. I pray that the bad dreams will flee from me. Come be with me tonight, Lord, and watch over me while I slumber. Amen.

God of Creation, blessed be Your matchless name! Lord, You are worthy to be praised. Bad dreams have been haunting me for too long, but I fear not. I will be glad and rejoice, for You will do great things. Your power can remove the nightmares that keep me up at night, because all good things come from You. Father, bless me with good dreams, bless me with a peaceful sleep. Amen.

Mighty Warrior, I thank You because no weapon formed against me shall prosper! No bad dream that I have endured can kill me! I am Yours; and every tongue that shall rise against me in judgment, You shall condemn! This is my heritage as a servant of You. With You, I am blessed and highly favored! I am more than a conqueror, bad dreams have no power over me. Amen.

Beautiful One, the enemy has attacked me with several bad dreams! I pray against these attacks in Jesus' name. Lord, I know that You shall cause my enemies to rise up against me and be happy before my face, but I also know that they shall come out against me one way and flee before me seven ways. For You have authority over my life, You are with me wherever I go, even as I sleep. So I pray that the bad dreams flee from me seven ways! Amen

Eternal God, I know that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. I know that these bad dreams are the acts of spiritual wickedness in high places. But Father, I pray against the plans of the enemy. I pray for peace in my sleep. For I stand not in my own authority, but in Yours. Amen.

O Mighty God, I pray against my bad dreams right now. I pray that whatever I bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatever I loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. I bind up the attacks that the adversary has had on my sleep in Jesus' Name. Please give me sweet, God-given dreams when I lay my head to rest. I pray that the plans that the enemy has on my sleep be destroyed. Amen.