Prayer For Program

Omniscient God, we know that Your thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are Your ways our ways, for the heavens are higher than the earth, so are Your ways higher than our ways, and Your thoughts than our thoughts. But we ask that You reveal to us Your thoughts throughout this meeting, let our ways be aligned with Your ways throughout this meeting, in Jesus' Name. Let this meeting be aligned with the and a reflection of Your heavenly activity, Amen.

Righteous God, we call onto You right now and we know that You will answer! Please show us great and mighty things that we do not know so that this meeting can fulfill its role for the kingdom. Let our efforts be kingdom-motivated and Spirit-led so that we can be blessed by this meeting. We seek You for guidance and instruction, we seek You also for wisdom so that we can make the right decisions today, Amen.

Eternal Father, blessed be Your Matchless name! Your word says that all things work together for the good of those who love You, to those who are called according to Your purpose. God, we love You and we gather to carry out the tasks that You have given us in order to fulfill our purpose. I pray that You intervene in this meeting, let it work for our good and for the good of the church, Amen.

Oh Lord, this meeting has occurred because we want to do good for Your kingdom. I pray that we do not grow weary while doing this good thing, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. I believe that You will guide us in this meeting so that the results can be seen days, months and even years after today. We come expecting to make a mark on this earth that is significant, but we can only do it with Your guidance, Amen.

Lord, you have entrusted use as stewards of your creation Please guide our hearts as we make our decisions We seek you first in all we do together We give you our business, our suppliers, our customers and our workforce May we be always mindful of their service We confess that we are nothing without you And our trust is in you completely Amen.

As we gather here in the harbour of your safety We thank you for fellowship and family. We ask that you will strengthen us, restore us and inspire us with your love. Lord, would you fill us with your peace So that as we journey onwards We would pour out your love and grace to others. We ask that our souls would catch the wind of your spirit so that we would take your promises to all the earth. Amen.

Dear God,

As we come together today, we give you thanks for the good gifts you give us.
We ask for your guidance in our lives,
And we pray that your love would live amongst us.


As we gather here in the harbour of your safety
We thank you for fellowship and family.

We ask that you will strengthen us, restore us and inspire us with your love.
Lord, would fill us with your peace
So that as we journey onwards
We would pour out your love and grace to others.
We ask that our souls would catch the wind of your spirit
so that we would take your promises to all the earth.
