Prayer For Porn Addicts

My husband is addicted to porn! I can't believe it, but it seems to be true. I pray that I'm wrong and he isn't involved in this addiction. But Lord, if he is addicted to porn, please restore our marriage. I feel betrayed, deceived, and rejected. Without you, I don't have the strength to even begin thinking about forgiveness. Yet, I know your heart is about grace and forgiveness. And I know your grace and forgiveness includes consequences to his sin, as well as accountability. I know that staying with him and helping him work through his addiction doesn't mean I'm weak. Your Word actually says this is strength. Lord, give me one woman I can trust who won't share our struggle with anyone else. Give me an appropriate way to share my pain, be it a person or hobby which won't interfere with our marriage and family. Lord, most of all, reveal Yourself to me in the midst of all this. Show me Your greatness in the midst of this low point in our marriage.

Dear Lord, I believe my husband is addicted to porn. Please reveal to me if I in any way contributed to his addiction -- through continual rejection of him emotionally or physically. If I haven't contributed, then please spare me from feelings of guilt. Help me not to just intellectually know that I'm still a woman, but to feel it in my spirit. Keep me from inappropriate behavior with other men to prove to myself that I'm still very desirable. I know Satan desires for me to seek some kind of revenge against my husband. Help me to remember that You will discipline him and You don't need my help. Help us discover what caused his addiction. Please help my husband to get life-changing help so our marriage can be better than it was before his porn addiction. Lord, help me to help him.

Lord Jesus, I ask you to reveal to me every agreement I have made about my sexuality or this specific struggle. [An example would be I will always struggle with this or I can never get free or I don't deserve to enjoy sex now or My sexuality is dirty. Pause and let Jesus reveal those agreements to you. Then break them.] I break this agreement [name it] in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, and I renounce every claim I have given it in my life. I renounce [name what the struggle isthe inability to have an orgasm or this lingering shame or the hatred of my body]. I bring the cross and blood of Jesus Christ against this [guilt or shame, every negative consequence]. I banish my enemy from my sexuality in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I invite the healing presence of Jesus Christ to cleanse me and restore me as a sexual being in fullness of joy and wholeness. I ask you, Jesus, to fill my sexuality with your holiness, to strengthen me and restore me in your name.

Lord Jesus, I now consecrate my sexuality to you in every way. I consecrate my sexual intimacy with my spouse to you. I ask you to cleanse and heal my sexuality and our sexual intimacy in every way. I ask your healing grace to come and free me from all consequences of sexual sin. I ask you to fill my sexuality with your healing love and goodness. Restore my sexuality in wholeness. Let my spouse and me experience all of the intimacy and pleasure you intended a man and woman to enjoy in marriage. I invite the Spirit of God to fill our marriage bed. I pray all of this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen!!

Dear God, I don't know what to do any more. I have been addicted to porn for so many years and I just hate my life. I have hurt so many people that I care about and I know that I cant go on any more, or at least I don't want to keep on in this life-style, but I don't know what to do or how to break free.

Someone told me that Jesus was the only way that I could break my life of pornography, but I don't know how. Lord if You are willing, I pray that You would help me and show me how to break free of this disgusting life-style, which I feel it is a trap into which I keep falling.

I believe Lord. I believe that You died to pay the price for sin. I believe that You died to pay the price for my sins and I truly believe that it includes the sin of pornography as well as everything else.


Heavenly Father, I have a couple of friends that have got into pornography and it grieves me as I can see the damage that it is doing not only to themselves but also to their families.

Lord, I just want to lift each one up to You and ask that in Your grace, You would meet each one at their point of need. Give me wisdom to know the best way to help each of my friends and keep me I pray, from falling into a similar destructive pattern of behaviour.


Lord if there have been any open doorways you or your husband have opened to the spiritual realm, this could be in the form of pornography, certain friendships you two have, people you have allowed into your home, family tragedies, or scary movies. This will look different in every home. As things start to come up, ask for forgiveness, and His Holy Spirit cleansing in any and all areas. Amen

Heavenly Father, I have a couple of friends that have got into pornography and it grieves me as I can see the damage that it is doing not only to themselves but also to their families.
Lord, I just want to lift each one up to You and ask that in Your grace, You would meet each one at their point of need. Give me wisdom to know the best way to help each of my friends and keep me I pray, from falling into a similar destructive pattern of behaviour.
Lord, I pray that You would convict each of them of their need to repent of this behaviour and break free of this destructive and sinful addiction. I am sure that this horrible addiction to pornography is a destructive tool of Satan, who seeks to destroy and distort all that is lovely and pure, honourable and godly and encourage all that is evil and lustful.
Thank You, Lord, for I know that You are a God Who hears and answers prayer. Give me Your wisdom, so that I should know what to say if the need arises and also when to be quiet and leave the matter in Your hands. I ask that in Your grace, You would undertake in each of their lives to lift them out of this pornography and return them to the path of purity and grace. In Jesus' name I pray,