Prayer For Planning

Living Lord, be with us as we work today. Fill this office with inspiration and energy. Help us to work as a team, and bring out the best in each other. May we be efficient and achieve all we need to, but also remember to rest. May this place be full of fun and friendship and may relaxation and harmony inhabit this space. Thank you for this new day and the opportunity to work together.

Lord, sometimes I am paralyzed to inaction. I bring you my worries and concerns. You speak faith and courage into my life, and then I fail to take action. There are other times when I rush ahead of you with my plans and fail to seek your voice. Forgive me for failing to pray. Forgive me for failing to plan. Grant me your Holy Spirit that I would have the wisdom to pray and to plan so that your will would be accomplished in my life and that your kingdom would come through my words and actions. Amen.

Dear Lord and Father, Thank you that you promise us that where two or three are gathered you are there in the midst. Lord we welcome You amongst us today and celebrate the gift of life that you have lavished upon each of us. We ask that You would open our ears so that we may hear your voice. Open our minds so that we may receive Your eternal wisdom. Open our spirits so that we may know Your leading and guidance. And open our hearts so that we may receive Your wonderful love. We ask all this in the glorious name of Jesus. Amen.

Almighty God, Thank you for the beauty and majesty we see in your creation. Thank you for the opportunity to care for the world you have made. We ask that your blessing would rest on this team, that you would give us great vision and enthusiasm for our work. Please bless the efforts of our hands, the bonds between us and the influence of our work in this location and beyond. Lord, as we plan and share together now, may you guide us by your Holy Spirit and lead us into all truth. In Jesus name, Amen.

Almighty God, you graciously hear all our prayers and you promise that when two or three agree together in your name you will grant their requests. Fulfill our desires and prayers, and make all things work together for our good. Increase our knowledge of your truth, and our experience of your love. You are able to keep us from stumbling and to present us blameless before the presence of your glory with great joy. To you, our God, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Heavenly Father, we praise you for your goodness and generosity. We trust you for faithfully preserving us through good times and bad. We serve you with all that we have. We glorify you in our plans and activities. We speak of you to others in response to your great love for us. We live for you, in every thought, word and deed, by the power of your Spirit. You are the God of endurance and encouragement. Help us to live in harmony with each other, that together we may with one voice glorify Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.


As we gather together, we praise You for this day and Your purpose for it. Reset our agendas, as we sit in Your presence. For You assure us that where two or more gather in Your name You are here. Recalibrate our intentions and refocus our hearts. Your will for our lives does not always reflect our plans. Change them to reflect Your will. Help us to understand that we don't need full clarity to walk into the unique purpose You've inlaid in our lives.

Lift our eyes to seek You first today, and always, surrendering our need to achieve, understand, and be known. Shift our perspective to seek Your peace above all else. In every situation we ponder in our daily lives, let the Holy Spirit translate Your commands. Give us renewed strength and godly courage to obey You without questioning. Forgive us for striving beyond our means, worrying, and forcing results.

Only You know what lies ahead. You are our good Father, just and righteous. Though our circumstances will be unfair from time to time in this life, You are always our unwavering protector and shield (Psalm 3:3). Keep the words of King David fresh in our minds, and renew our hearts to the tune of Your truth.I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. Psalm 3:5 NIV Let Your peace rain down on us today, as we seek You more than anything else.

In Jesus' Name,


Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom, and support as we begin this meeting. Help us to engage in meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community. Fill us with your grace, Lord God, as we make decisions that might affect the students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends of Saint Louis University. And continue to remind us that all that we do here today, all that we accomplish, is for the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of You, and for the service of humanity. We ask these things in your name, Amen.