Prayer For Plagues

Lord Jesus Christ, you travelled through towns and villages curing every disease. At your command, the sick were made well. O Lord, we need you to come to our aid now, in the midst of the coronavirus, that we may experience your love and healing power.

Protect us, our families and homes, our church and region, from this pestilence. Let the Angel of Death pass over our homes. We trust in your saving blood, your healing Word, and your Sovereign will. Heal all those who are sick. May they regain their health and strength.

Heal us from our carelessness, that we may be mindful of the most vulnerable among us. Good Lord, give us strength and courage in this time of uncertainty, sorrow, and opportunity. Show us when to go out, and when to stay in. Deliver us from fear, which hinders us from helping our neighbors. Show each of us how to serve our neighbors in this season, and give us courage to do so. Draw people to a saving knowledge of you.

Comfort and strengthen the families of those who are sick or have died. Defend them from illness and despair. Guide and protect doctors, nurses, researchers, and all who seek to heal and help, thereby putting themselves at risk. Guide the leaders of all nations. Give them foresight to act with wisdom and charity, for the well-being of the people they serve.

Help us to be aware of your presence, Lord, in our distress. Help us to trust in your purposes. Help us to pray with wisdom and power.

Grant us your peace.

Saint Sebastian, guard and defend us, morning and evening, every minute of every hour, and diminish the strength of that vile illness which is threatening us. We put our trust in God, in our Lady, and in you, holy martyr. Be with us always, and by your merits and prayers keep us safe and sound and protect us. Commend us to the Blessed Trinity, so that when we die we may have our everlasting reward: to behold God in the company of all the saints. Amen.

Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that we who in your name seek the grace of your protection, through the intercession of Blessed Mary ever-Virgin, your saints Sebastian, Adrian, Anthony, Roch, Benno, and of all the saints, having been freed from plague, and sudden death, may serve you with untroubled minds. Amen.