Prayer For Physical Pain Relief

Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.


Thank you for this amazing, beautiful and strong body you have given me. I know my body is a temple designed by you. During this pain I am feeling, I will stay positive in knowing you have a plan for me, and I was given this body for a reason. No amount of pain will ever divert me away from you. I thank you for looking after me, and I lift up my gratitude as you wrap your healing arms around me. My body and mind are strong because I am a part of your team. I will always have the holy trinity working through me.


Holy Father,

I simply cannot take this pain anymore. It is overcoming me like a powerful wave and taking all my energy to handle. Please anoint me with strength! I cannot get through this without you, and I turn to you in my time of need. I surrender myself to you. Please send your hands down to heal me! The smallest amount of movement is rendering me catatonic and I am feeling alone and helpless. I reach out to you today because I need comfort and a friend. I need rest. Nothing you lead me to is too hard for me to handle. I can get through this with the strength you give me.

In Jesus' Name We Pray,


Lord Jesus,

Be at his side, His Saviour and friend.
Speak to him and remain close.
Be beneath him, as he flies at such heights and with danger near.
Hold him, with angels wings and keep him safe.
Be behind him, watch over his back.
When he is vulnerable, come be his guard.
Be ahead of him, guiding his instincts, his decisions.
Fill his heart with hope and vision to see clearly.
Be above him, reveal to him heavens gaze.
Come lift his eyes at times of stress to your kingdom ways.

O Lord, be all around him.
Come encompass him with you comfort, protection and care.


Heavenly Father, we ask You to give complete knowledge of Your Will to this reader, and to give him/her Your spiritual wisdom and understanding as they seek You with all their hearts and lean not on their own understanding. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I present my body to You now as a living sacrifice. I consecrate all the faculties of my body to Jesus Christ and to Him alone. I consecrate [the specific part of the body needing healing]. I bring my body fully under Your rule and under Your dominion. My body belongs to You, Lord, and I consecrate it to You right now fully, totally, completely. Amen

Almighty Father in heaven, you are the rock and my salvation, my fortress, and redeemer in whom I take refuge. I come before you today because your word assures me that you are near the brokenhearted and that you save those crushed in spirit. You are all knowing and you can see the hurt and agony I experience. Ever since this began, I have been in and out of hospital seeking treatment, but the pain does not seem to go away. I thank you for your grace and the gift of life. I proclaim that you are my Healer. Today, my Lord, I beseech you to send your word and heal my body from all this suffering. Restore to me the joy of my salvation, and use my body as a living testimony to your healing power. I repent any evil action I might have done to displease you, and I ask you to heal and relieve my body of this pain. I rise against any wiles of the enemy, unbelief and doubt regarding your incredible power, and I hope that I am relieved of this in Jesus' name.
