Prayer For Physicians

Lord, you are the giver and sustainer of every life on earth. Thank you for doctors who care for the sick in hospitals, clinics and at home.

Fill each doctor with your wisdom to know how to treat each sickness or disease they encounter in patients.

Help doctors on call focus on providing proper treatment to their patients knowing their reward comes from you (Colossians 3:24).

Keep their hearts grounded in you and believing in your desire to heal all patients.

Let them never lose hope on a patient but look to you like the Great Physician who can do what they can't.

Provide doctors with the equipment they need to save lives and a cooperative team that will follow their instructions and direction.

Where they need to improvise anything, give them the know-how.

May your Holy Spirit prompt them to pray over every patient they handle and proclaim God's healing over them.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Lord, I praise you for you care about the health of each person you created on earth.

Thank you for providing a large supply of doctors to care for those who are experiencing health challenges.

Please bless the work of their hands and let their clinics be centers of healing for the patients who visit them (Deuteronomy 28:8).

You are our provider and I ask that you provide every clinic with modern equipment to handle all ailments and diseases doctors need to treat.

Give the doctors the wisdom to manage the patients they attend to each day to ensure quick and quality medical services.

Grant doctors the patience and discernment to handle difficult patients and give them hope and encouraging words.

Help them properly diagnose ailments and provide the correct treatment to avoid degeneration of undetected diseases.

Show doctors with personal clinics how they can provide affordable medical care to their patients.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

God my Father, today a doctor is caring for someone that I truly love and someone who means so much to me and so I am asking that You help the doctor in caring for my loved one so that they would have the necessary skill and even enhance their natural skill in order that they can help in the healing process of the one I love. You love them more than I do so I ask for Your tender mercies on their behalf and to help the doctor do all that he/she can to aid in resolving this very serious medical issue and to grant the doctor/surgeon great skill in what they are about to do (or are doing) and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Great and Merciful Father, full of compassion, You have made each one of us in the image of God (Gen 1:27) and I pray that You would help all of the staff in preserving the lives for which they are entrusted with. Help them in the duties that they are responsible for and so I pray that you bless the technicians, the nursing staff, lab workers, those in radiology, the insurance handlers, the doctors, and all of the medical staff that will be involved in each person's care. Bless them as they all work together for one common purpose and that is to care for each patient under their watch. This I ask in the beloved name of the Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, amen.

Father God, I know that all things are in Your hands and that everything that happens is ultimately for our best and is always according to Your purpose (Rom 8:28) so help me to trust You in this. I ask Your blessing upon the medical staff and doctors who are caring for those who have just gone through surgery or those who are fighting a serious illness or disease. Grant these doctors and staff a tender heart for those under their care and to allow them to perform in ways that bring about the best results for the patients. There are no unimportant people in the staff that care for people, from the janitor to the doctor, and so I ask for You to bless each and every one and to help those who are in medical care to have the best care possible and all of this I ask Father, in name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, amen.

God of all creation,
Giver of all gifts,
Healer of the wounds of sin and division,
Physician of our bodies and souls,
Transform our own minds and hearts
and increase your gifts of faith, hope, and love.
May we grow each day in graciousness.
Help us to be instruments of your healing and a catalyst for justice in our world.
Grant us wisdom as we seek out ways to improve our care and to grow in virtue.
Extend your hand of blessing upon all who work in health care, upon all those we serve, and especially upon those marginalized in society. United in our common dignity, may we grow closer in the human family and build a culture of life filled with reverence and love for all. Amen.

God Almighty, I pray for all doctors to always look up to for wisdom when handling those under their care. Let them rely on you but not on their understanding all through their career. You called them to be our earthly physicians, be their guide. When their strength runs slow, renew it. When their faith is shaken, renew it. Let them draw their confidence in your healing power. Amen.

Lord Almighty, We thank you for your healing through our doctors. Thank you for their obedience to you. Thank you because their work is purely directed by you. I pray that you protect them and their families. Guide their lives outside the hospitals. Let them know you and desire to serve you with their hearts. Touch their fellow staff in hospitals like the nurses, Laboratory personnel, security guards, and other department members to support them. Let their hearts be open to helping people without expecting anything in return. Amen.