Prayer For Persecuted Christians

Father God,

As one Church, united under your holy headship, and knowing that we are all one family in Christ;

We pray for those who suffer in your name all over the world, our brothers and sisters, who share in that same great gift of salvation through your son, but who face injustice, oppression and even death because of their faith in you.

We want to walk with them as they journey through the valley of darkness, and we pray knowing that you are a God of compassion, comfort, and justice; who always hears their prayers, never leaves them and will forever be their fortress and shield, whatever they face.

We pray that you will grant them strength, courage, and protection from those who seek to harm them because they follow you; guidance and wisdom for when their path seems impossible to tread, and hope for a future where they have the freedom to worship you without fear.

In the name of Jesus,


Jesus, we're so thankful for our brothers and sisters who say Jesus is more important than my personal safety or my comfort or even my freedom. Following Jesus is the most important thing in my life.' And I pray Lord that their example would inspire us Christians in free countries that we would be inspired by their example to be more passionate about our own faith, to be more passionate about our own time in your Word, our own time in prayer, that we would just follow their example and be inspired by that.


Almighty God,

You have warned us through your Son Jesus Christ that those who follow Him may be oppressed and abused because of their faith.
We ask that you comfort and give courage to all your children who fall victims to unjust imprisonment, physical harm and intimidation at the hands of their oppressors.
For those who have given their lives in the fight for freedom to openly share and live out their faith, may they be welcomed into your warm embrace.
For those who persecute our brothers and sisters, may their spirits be touched by the incredible faith of those who they attack. And may they turn away from sin and open their hearts to your love.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

O God, Father of Justice and Peace, we commend to your merciful love, the peril of our Christian brothers and sisters who are tormented by wicked and evil men, whose ruthlessness has claimed so many innocent lives. Their injustice, blasphemously attributed to your name, has corrupted true religion and violated peace. Let your Divine Justice be done to restore peace in our troubled times. Convert the hearts of those who are obsessed with hate and have chosen evil filling them instead, with love and peace.


Send forth your Consoler Spirit upon those children of yours who bear the name of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. These, our dear brothers and sisters, men, women and children who carry the seal of Christ upon their souls are victims of evil. Console the families who mourn the loss of their loved ones, strengthen the faith of those who must endure such cruelty, and grant the crown of righteousness to those who heroically offer their lives as a sacrifice for the truth. In this time of war and violence, dear Lord we beg you to grant us peace and tranquility. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Victory, Mary most holy, may we soon be freed from this affliction so that your sons and daughters may continue to spread the message of love, truth and peace. Amen.

O God, our refuge and our strength, look down in mercy on thy people who cry to thee; and by the intercession of the glorious and immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of St Joseph her spouse, of thy blessed apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the saints, in mercy and goodness hear our prayers for the conversion of sinners, and for the liberty and exaltation of our holy Mother the Church. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

For those who persecute Christians and other religious minorities, that the light of
God's truth and mercy may penetrate their hearts, and that they may come to
recognize the common humanity of all peoples and cease committing acts of hatred,
we pray to the Lord.

God, you knew
That the day would come here
When truth-telling would be despised
And siding with the oppressed
Part of the road less travelled.

Have mercy, O God,
Upon persecuted Christians there and here
Who are willing to suffer consequences
For speaking your Name
In word or in deed
In defiance or in advocacy.
Grant courage and strength
To all who would dare
To live their convictions out loud. Amen.