Prayer For Persecuted

Our Lord and Heavenly God, Who suffered and bled and died under shocking conditions and rose again into newness of life, we lay before You all the believers in Christ who for Your sake, are going through acts of hate and intolerance, that are ravaging the lives of so many Christians today, and in so many different parts of the world.

Comfort with Your grace, all those who are experiencing the hatred and intolerance of their fellow men, and give them the grace and strength to face whatever evils are being perpetrated against them.

Move I pray, those that are oppressing our brothers and sisters with compassion and mercy.

Let all who are suffering, know Your special closeness in all the struggles they are going through. Provide for their bodily needs, and sustain their spirit with Your heavenly grace. Fill their hearts with hope, knowing that You are with them in all things and will never leave them nor forsake them. In Jesus' name we pray,


Almighty God our Heavenly Father,

We continue to turn to You at this difficult time. You alone have the Words of eternal life. You are eternal life!

We pray for those working in funeral homes, mortuaries and crematoriums. May workers know Your grace and mercy where they are stretched and struggling to cope.

For Government authorities throughout the world needing to find alternative places to bury or store their dead, we ask for Your guiding hand in all they do. We are shocked and saddened at what is having to taking place.

For Spain and the world we seek Your face for a move of Your Spirit to awaken us where we are spiritually dead. Where our countries are spiritually blind we ask for sight. Remove from us our hearts of stone that we may have hearts of flesh ready to receive Your life giving Holy Spirit.

In Jesus wonderful Name we ask, Amen!

Almighty, everlasting God, look with compassion on all those who suffer persecution for justice' sake. Grant them grace to carry their cross with patience in the name of Thy beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let the chalice pass from them is such by Thy holy Will: yet, in all things, may Thy Will be done. Grant to those who persecute, light to see the truth, and the grace of mercy and forgiveness, for they know not what they do. Mary, Mother of Jesus, Comfort of the Afflicted, help thy children in their time of bitter trial. O Lord our God, by the sign of Thy holy cross deliver us from our enemies.

Dear Lord, I want to intercede for my brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted around the world. I lift up to You those who are experiencing discrimination and isolation because of their love for Youwho are living in places with strict religious restrictions and are longing to be able to worship You freely. I ask that You comfort them today with Your loving presence, promises, and faithfulness. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Merciful God,
for those asked to pay the ultimate price;
who are martyred because of their love for You,
may they truly know Christ
and the power of His resurrection
and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings,
becoming like Him in His death.

Father God,
for those who are widowed and orphaned
may they know the comfort that comes from Your promised presence
even when they walk through the valley.

May they be strengthened by Your Spirit,
enabling them to rejoice with the psalmist
as they proclaim that the Lord will not abandon them in death. Amen

For those who suffer persecution for their faithful service to you, that they may
rejoice to be united to the sacrifice of Christ your Son and may know that their names
are written in heaven among the company of the elect, we pray to the Lord.

For those suffering because of their Christian faith, that the Holy Spirit may fortify
them with the courage to remain strong in faith, as well as with the charity to forgive
their persecutors, we pray to the Lord.

O God of all the nations,
the One God who is and was and always will be,
in your providence you willed that your Church
be united to the suffering of your Son.
Look with mercy on your servants
who are persecuted for their faith in you.
Grant them perseverance and courage
to be worthy imitators of Christ.
Bring your wisdom upon leaders of nations
to work for peace among all peoples.
May your Spirit open conversion
for those who contradict your will,
that we may live in harmony.
Give us the grace to be united in truth and freedom,
and to always seek your will in our lives.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.