Prayer For Pentecost
Holy One, when Christ ascended into heaven
to reign with you in power and glory,
you sent the Spirit of truth to guide us
into the way, the truth, and the life of Christ.
Let your Spirit, our Advocate, guide us still
preserving us from judgment,
protecting us from sin,
and leading us into righteousness,
so that we may testify to the good news:
fullness of life and joy for all;
through Jesus Christ our Savior
and in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
O God, send forth your Holy Spirit into my heart that I may perceive, into my mind that I may remember, and into my soul that I may meditate. Inspire me to speak with piety, holiness, tenderness and mercy. Teach, guide and direct my thoughts and senses from beginning to end. May your grace ever help and correct me, and may I be strengthened now with wisdom from on high, for the sake of your infinite mercy. Amen.
Come, thou Holy Spirit, come:
And from thy celestial home send thy light and brilliancy.
Come, thou father of the poor,
come who givest all our store,
come the soul's true radiancy.
Come, of comforters the best, of the soul the sweetest guest,
sweetly and refreshingly.
Come, in labour rest most sweet,
shade and coolness in the heat, comfort in adversity.
Thou who art the Light most blest,
come fulfill their inmost breast, who believe most faithfully.
For without thy Godhead's dower,
man hath nothing in his power, save to work iniquity.
What is filthy make thou pure,
what is wounded work its cure,
water what is parched and dry.
Gently bend the stubborn will,
warm to life the heart that's chill,
guide who goeth erringly.
Fill thy faithful who adore,
and confess thee evermore,
with thy sevenfold mystery.
Here thy grace and virtue send,
grant salvation in the end, and in heaven felicity. Amen.
Glorious Trinity,
Make your presence
known in this place,
through our worship
our prayer,
the reading of your Word.
Father, Son, Holy Spirit,
within whose unity
lies all that is you,
perfect love,
justice, peace,
and power.
As we gather here today,
your body, your church
throughout this world,
fill our outstretched hearts
with your spirit,
encircle us with your love.
Make yourself known to us
in new ways,
exciting ways,
challenging ways.
Empower us,
Inspire us,
Glorious Trinity!
May we come to trust
the Word of God in our heart,
to speak it with courage,
to follow it faithfully
and to fan it to flame in others.
May the Jesus
who filled women
with his Holy Spirit
fill the world and the church
with new respect
for women's power and presence.
Give me, Great God,
a sense of the Breath of Spirit
within me as I
(State the intention in your own life at this time for which you are praying.)
Come, O Holy Spirit.
Come as Holy Fire and burn in us,
come as Holy Wind and cleanse us within,
come as Holy Light and lead us in the darkness,
come as Holy Truth and dispel our ignorance,
come as Holy Power and enable our weakness,
come as Holy Life and dwell in us.
Convict us, convert us, consecrate us,
until we are set free from the service of ourselves,
to be your servants to the world. Amen.
God of power,
may the boldness of your Spirit transform us,
may the gentleness of your Spirit lead us,
may the gifts of your Spirit
be our goal and our strength,
now and always. Amen.
Dear Lord,
In this season, there are many questions and concerns. Some have stumbled into the abyss of anxiety; others wander in the wasteland of worry, while dear ones lament in the garden of grief. I pray, Oh Lord, that you will be our present help in this time of trouble. Open our spiritual eyes so we can have a proper perspective to discern what you are doing in this hour. Calm our hearts and quicken our spirits. Teach us to keep pace with younot rushing to keep up but with slow and methodical steps of faithfulness. For those riddled with significant sickness: Be Jehovah Rapha the Lord who heals. For those who experienced loss: Be the Great Comforter. For those in need of renewal: Be Living Water. Lord, by the power of your Spirit, give us a posture of worship in the wait. We, your people, are people of Pentecost! A people born of the Word and the Spirit through salvation and suffering. Give us the gift of endurance. You are the bedrock on which our hope is built. Bolster our faith and fill us with unspeakable joy. Remind us that in our scattering, we the church are one. We entrust all that concerns us into your loving care. We pray this in the matchless name of Jesus Christ! Amen!