Prayer For Peace Of Mind And Guidance

God is the strength of my life. I do not believe in exhaustion of
strength. Strength is always present in supreme completeness, and
I am eternally strong. Spirit is the strength in my body and I am
free from any thought of burdens. My life is divinely ordered, and
I have no fear of weakness, old age, or death. The spirit of God
strengthens and sustains me. I am calm, centered, and at peace.

God's life is my life, and I vibrate with harmony and
wholeness. I am free with the knowledge that all is good.
God's love flows through me, calming my emotions, freeing
my mind, and healing my body. God in the midst of me is
mighty to heal. I have faith in the strengthening, revitalizing
power of the Christ within me, and I enthusiastically accept
the healing that is mine.

Lord, please give me wisdom, not only to journey through my own day, but to also help others around me navigate their journey. Help me, Lord, to follow Your command to love You and to love others. I need Your guidance to live out the day and to honor You. Please help me. In the name of Your son Jesus I pray, Amen.

God, when I am weak, I know You can make me strong. Please guide me, mold me and make me into the person You want me to be. Please guide my heart and strengthen me if and when trials come into my path. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Dear Lord, help me remember what a difference it makes when I make time with You a priority in my morning. Awaken me in body and spirit each day with a desire to meet with You and to hear You speak words of affirmation, assurance, and wisdom over my heart as I prepare to go into my day. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

God, I want to believe that you're with me and that I am known and loved by you but some days, it's hard. Help me to speak the truth from your Word back to myself. Take it from my head to my heart. Give me peace and wisdom courage to live like a conqueror because you've already given me victory over every challenge and obstacle. Amen.

I pray for wisdom that is peaceable, gentle, and approachable, with lots of mercy and fairness. You said an unlimited supply of wisdom is available to me if I simply ask, so I pray for wisdom to know how to deal with the many people and situations that will cross my path. Amen

Lord, would you help us to focus on you when so many things are drawing our attention. Lord, would you help us to understand that in the midst of crisis, you are the Lord of crisis. Lord, would you help us to realize that you are the One who walks among us, comforting us as you did the humbled in your own context. Lord Jesus, we trust in your unfailing love to us, and believe that You care for us more than we care for ourselves. Guide us, lead us, and make us forever thankful that it is YOU, and not us, that leads us, guides us, and makes us thankful that we are your disciples.