Prayer For Peace Of Mind And Comfort

Lord, we pray that you would comfort those in our community who are most hurting during this period, those who are struggling with loneliness, anxiety, sadness, and perhaps even sickness. We pray, Lord, that you will help them to put these present difficulties in broader perspective: to realize that these circumstances are temporary, and that good can, and is, arising from them. So we ask you to teach us somehow to be thankful in all these things. And we pray that you will accept our thanks. In the name of Jesus, our Lord, Amen.

Lord, we are so thankful for your presence that is always with us, that you have not forsaken us during times like this. Whether we are experiencing pain or frustration, times of lack, times of trials or even persecution, Lord, you have never left us. It's especially in these dark valleys that we know you are there. Your son, Jesus Christ, in laying down His life proves that there is no place too low for your presence to meet us. Amen

Gracious and Loving God,

You surround us with your loyal and faithful presence every moment of every day. We are never alone, Lord, for you are with us. Yet, in our own moments of anxiety we may feel isolated from you, even abandoned by you. Help us to return our eyes to you when we are caught in waves of anxiety because when we are able to focus our attention on you, Immanuel, God with us, our fears recede, diminish, and fade away. In returning to You, we are captivated in increasing measure by your calming Presence. Remind us, that while we may need to practice physical distance from others in our faith family, you have promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Holy Spirit, help us to fix our eyes upon Jesus, the one who invites us to draw near in times of trouble and find true peace. Amen

Father God, You are our One Hope. When life breaks, You are our sustaining, comforting hope for repair and redemption. Help us to hope in Your presence in midst of disappointment and despair. You are our Great Physician, ready and able to heal the brokenness around us. Help us to trust in Your power to renew and restore according to Your will and Your timing. In the ongoing uncertainty and fear, help us to wait and wonder with awe and respect, while we reflect our hope and Your love to the people around us. Amen.

Father God, our human fears and circumstances overcome us (Exodus 14) but let your Grace, Mercy and Peace rain down on us scooping us up out of our self-curved weaknesses and cradle us in your safe embrace. Let us be still and let you, Lord, fight for us (Exodus 14:14), as you always have and continue to.

We ask all these in the mighty name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!


May the comforting presence of your Spirit likewise keep us calm and secure! As a result, may we experience a quiet confidence in you that quells threatening fears and rising anxieties. Grant that while fully trusting in you, we will also cooperate with you by taking all possible human precautions that help to stop the spread of the coronavirus. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ who triumphs over all things, even fear and death. Amen!

God's life is my life, and I vibrate with harmony and
wholeness. I am free with the knowledge that all is good.
God's love flows through me, calming my emotions, freeing
my mind, and healing my body. God in the midst of me is
mighty to heal. I have faith in the strengthening, revitalizing
power of the Christ within me, and I enthusiastically accept
the healing that is mine.

God is the strength of my life. I do not believe in exhaustion of
strength. Strength is always present in supreme completeness, and
I am eternally strong. Spirit is the strength in my body and I am
free from any thought of burdens. My life is divinely ordered, and
I have no fear of weakness, old age, or death. The spirit of God
strengthens and sustains me. I am calm, centered, and at peace.