Prayer For Peace In The Workplace

Lord, thank you for creating me and giving me the abilities I need to work. Help me remember that I'm really working for You. When I need to stand up for you and the truth, give me the courage I need. Lift up my co-workers who need prayer, and use me to build them up. Let me listen intently to Your voice, and let all that I do glorify you. Amen

Almighty God, our heavenly Father: We have sinned against you, through our own fault, in thought, and word, and deed, and in what we have left undone. For the sake of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us all our offenses; and grant that we may serve you in newness of life, to the glory of your Name. Amen.

God, it has been a busy and demanding day for many of us. Others will
just be starting their watches and working hours. Help us to stop and
catch our breath to give you thanks for these moments in our lives.
May we feel a sense of accomplishment for a difficult and dangerous
job, done well. Tonight, give us a very special sense of personal pride
in ourselves, our jobs, and our Coast Guard. May that pride be obvious
to all with whom we come in contact. Amen.

Come, Holy Spirit, We are grateful for this opportunity to honor and thank those
who are leaving office; first, for their dedication to the ideals of the
Coast Guard Auxiliary, and secondly, for the personal sacrifices they
have made to bring these ideals to many others. Finally, give us peace, wisdom, vision and courage to those who will be elected to office this year. Reward their work and ours, renew us in
recreation and keep us always in Your care. Amen.

Father in heaven, you haven't given me the spirit of fear but rather, that of sound mind. I pray today, that every decision I make will be birthed from a sound mind, even in the storms of life. I refuse to live and walk in fear.

Dear God,

I go to work to do good work you prepared for me in advance.

My desire is to honor and glorify you.

Bless my worplace with peace.

There is so much going on, God. Protect my heart.

You said I must not let my heart be troubled.

You asked me to not be afraid.

You promised to give me peace, teach me how to access it now.

Reveal yourself to me, Father God.

Show me the way I must go when it comes to my workplace.

You said you will fill my heart with joy and peace if I place my trust in you. Father God, I trust you completely.

I ask that you overcome me with the Holy Spirit.

I ask that you renew my hope in the regards to my work.

I pray for divine peace at work, the peace that passess all understanding, your unexplainable peace, Father God.

I pray in the name of Jesus.


Lord, allow this to be an opportunity of learning and growth and not one of embarrassment and shame. Help me to spot the places that need improvement and the best way to make those changes. Help me to be more aware of what I am doing and to take notice of when something could be done better. Let the criticism that I received be used for my betterment and allow me to use it as a push towards better performance.

Help me to move forward no longer making the same mistake and working to prevent future mistakes. Amen

God help me to communicate with impatient customers with empathy and satisfaction. Help me to clearly understand what they need and address their concerns in a way that gives them ease. Help me to have patience in the midst of their impatience.

Help me to control my tone, emotions, and facial expressions when communicating with them. Show me what can be said and done to help calm the customer down and understand that I am here to help. Amen