Prayer For Peace In Ukraine

The strength of prayer of our countrymen many times has saved our Church and our land. Now such prayer is needed from us.

With deep pain of heart we are all now suffering a new tragedy of the continuing armed conflict in eastern Ukraine which sheds the innocent blood of our countrymen. The most our Church can do is to call for peace and to intensify prayers for the granting of peace to our Ukrainian land, which we have done since the beginning of the armed conflict. But, despite the peacekeeping mission of our Church, people are trying to make it hostile to Ukrainian society. Today on the peaceful territory of Ukraine an interfaith war is flaring up, created by various provocations directed against clergy and parishioners in particular, and against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as a whole. However, we know of frequent cases when the uniting power of prayer has worked wonders.

Lord, we pray that the church will now arise and be the church. To be the hands and feet of Jesus, and to now remember the widow, the poor and the orphaned.

Let the church resound with a message of hope and with the effectual fervent prayer for healing and deliverance even as it mourns in repentance for its sins of greed, hypocrisy and having abandoned its first love.

Lord, hear our prayer Amen

Heavenly Father, your Son taught us Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called Children of God. At this hour, we fervently pray that your Holy Spirit may inspire men and women in Ukraine to become peacemakers. May they seek reconciliation and dialogue and end the violent confrontation and killing. May they restore tranquility to their nation and restore human rights, democratic principles and religious liberty to their troubled land. God, our Father, we beseech you to comfort the suffering, heal the wounded and accept the souls of the departed into your heavenly kingdom. And may the most Holy Mother of God, extend the Blessed mantle of Protection over Ukraine. And may each of us always live our lives as instruments of Your Peace.

Through Christ our Lord we pray

+ Amen

We ask Your Holiness [Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I], the entire mother church and all local churches to pray for fair peace for Ukraine and we believe that, as God heard our joint sincere prayers for peace and unity for our church and fulfilled what we had asked for, so the Lord will hear these prayers and give peace and unity to our state, and well-being and prosperity to the Ukrainian people. "We especially ask for God's protection of those who, for their love for Ukraine, are now suffering from captivity, unfair imprisonment or persecution, suffering from war and enslavement. Amen

O Lord Jesus Christ our God, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the sorrow and greatly-painful cry of Thy children, abiding in the Ukrainian land.

Deliver Thy people from civil strife, make to cease the spilling of blood, and turn back the misfortunes set against them. Lead unto sanctuary those bereft of shelter, feed the hungry, comfort those who weep, and unite the divided.

Leave not Thine own flock, who abide in sorrows on account of their kinsmen, to diminish, but rather, as Thou art benevolent, give speedy reconciliation. Soften the hearts of the unmerciful and convert them to the knowledge of Thee. Grant peace to Thy Church and to Her children, that with one heart and one mouth we may glorify Thee, our Lord and Saviour, unto the ages of ages.


Oh Lord, we are Your people, and we are asking for the prayers of Your Most Holy Mother and the intercession of all the saints for the Ukrainian people: grant us unity, intensify our love and inspire wisdom, and teach forgiveness so that we may always glorify Your Holy Name all times and everywhere. Amen

Heavenly Father, your Son taught us Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called Children of God.

At this hour, we fervently pray that your Holy Spirit may inspire men and women in Ukraine to become Peacemakers. May they seek reconciliation and dialogue and end the violent confrontation and killing.

May they restore tranquility to their nation and restore human rights, democratic principles and religious liberty to their troubled land.

God, our Father, we beseech you to comfort the suffering, heal the wounded and accept the souls of the departed into your Heavenly Kingdom.

And may the Most Holy Mother of God extend her Blessed Mantle of Protection over Ukraine.

And may each of us always live our lives as instruments of your Peace.


Give comfort to those who suffer because of the violence. Give comfort to those who mourn their dead, and strength to neighboring countries to welcome the refugees. Convert the hearts of those who resort to arms and protect those who work to promote peace.

God of hope, inspire leaders to choose peace instead of violence and to seek reconciliation with enemies. Inspire compassion in the universal Church for the Ukrainian people and give us hope for a future of peace based on justice for all.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace and Light of the world. Amen.