Prayer For Parent Teacher Conferences

Lord, I pray (teacher's name) will seek you for wisdom. Help ______ to rely on you for instruction and direction every day. When ________ needs help, he/she will be willing to ask and receive support. Guide ______ to see challenges as opportunities for growth and to see creative ways to bless his/her students and community. I pray ________ will be filled and led by the Holy Spirit. Set _______'s feet on the path that honors you. Open ______'s heart to continue to lead by example, creating an atmosphere where all are welcomed.


We ask you to preside over our meeting and our labours, and to bless all our endeavours.

Help us to build a community united in harmony of love and service.

Watch over our families at home, at work and at school.

We thank you, Lord, for everything that widens our knowledge and equips us more fully for the task of life and living.

Give us the knowledge and prudence which will enable us to live our life well.

Teach us to know our own weaknesses that we may ever be on our guard against them.

Teach us to know our own strengths that we may use, to the full, the gifts and talents which you have given us.

Help us to share a loving concern for each other at all times.

Above all, Lord, help us to really know you, for this is the beginning and end of all wisdom, this is eternal life.


O God,

you created all people in your image.

We thank you for the astonishing variety

of races and cultures in the world.

Enrich our lives by ever-widening circles of friendship,

and show us your presence

in those who differ most from us,

until our knowledge of your love is made perfect

in our love for all your children;

through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord


Come, Holy Spirit.

O God, bless and unite all your people and guide us on the pilgrim way of the Council.

Give us the grace to see your face in one another and to recognize Jesus, our companion on the road.

Give us the courage to tell our stories and to speak boldly of your truth.

Give us ears to listen humbly to each other and a discerning heart to hear what you are saying.

Lead your Church into a hope-filled future, that we may live the joy of the Gospel.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, bread for the journey from age to age.


Lord of all,

Be Lord in our school. We ask for your presence to be with us as we meet today.
May we be aware of your Lordship, that we serve you, your love and your children. Inspire our thoughts, discussions and ideas as we seek to work together to ensure that our school is your school.


Dear God,

Thank you for this opportunity to meet together. Please help us to come together to make this business reflect your kingdom. Breathe life into our ideas and decisions, and help us to build a team that has love and respect at its heart. Lord, come give us the inspiration to be the best we can be.

May we be a shining example of your goodness and truth within the work place.


Help us, O Lord, be compassionate, kind, and patient throughout our days. If one of us has a complaint against another, help us to forgive each other; as You have forgiven us. Let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts. Above all, help us to remember to put on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

We thank You, Lord for the many blessings and mercies You continually bestow on us. In everything we do, in word or deed, may we always do so in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through His Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, it is the time of the year when I will meet with the parents and guardians of all my students. I will sit on this side of the threshold while they file in, listen to my prepared monologue, and file out.

There is information that must be shared with everyone. Help me to remember that though I've said it many times, it is all new for the person in front of me. When I must share information specific to individual students, let me speak with compassion. When speaking about someone's child, there is always danger of offense. They love their children fiercely, at time recklessly, and I must balance gentleness with truth. Let me avoid tip-toeing and show kindness through clarity. Make my care evident though my words and tone.

Be with the families as they make arrangements to meet. Clear their paths for childcare, time away from work, and transportation. May they feel welcomed as they enter our building and confident as they come into our classroom.

I pray that our season of meetings is productive and more than routine. May we all find value and discovery in the time we spend together.
