Prayer For Passed Away Father

As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now are apart of us; as we remember them.

God our Father,
Your power brings us to birth,
Your providence guides our lives,
and by Your command we return to dust.
Lord, those who die still live in Your presence,
their lives change but do not end.
I pray in hope for my family,
relatives and friends,
and for all the dead known to You alone.
In company with Christ,
Who died and now lives,
may they rejoice in Your kingdom,
where all our tears are wiped away.
Unite us together again in one family,
to sing Your praise forever and ever.

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, send your holy Angel to watch over this grave. Through Christ our Lord.

O God, who hast commanded us to honor our father and our mother; in Thy mercy have pity on the soul of my father, and forgive his his trespasses; and make me to see him again in the joy of everlasting brightness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I miss my father who is in heaven. At this time, I call on You for strength at one of my weakest hours. You are my refuge and strength. You are always ready to help me in times of trouble. I call on You and Your mighty power to help me through my pain. I thank You Father, for the Life of my father who has gone on to be with You. Thank you for his time on earth and the impact he had on my life. I acknowledge You for such a precious gift and the impact he will forever have on my life. Amen.

Dear Jesus,

Come wait here, come dwell here with me. I hide in your presence, and rest in the grief.

I lost so much when dad passed away, his comfortable arm around my shoulder, his generous love of me. Lord, stir up these wonderful memories and help me to soak in that warmth. And when I am chilled by his absence, please cover me with your love and surround me with your arms.

Fill up my dreams with the hope of Heaven, my mind with the promise of truth. Give me the vision to trust that my father is safe now with you. Lead me to new springs of life to enjoy, until I too come home Lord to you.


Righteous One, Your Word says that those who mourn are blessed because they are comforted. How is this, my gracious God? I do not feel blessed or comforted right now. Lord, I am mourning. My father has died and I cannot bear the thought of this world without him. I pray that Your divine comfort reaches my heart and fills me with Your peace. Lord, I love and adore You. I believe Your Word, but I just don't feel Your comfort. I pray against the plans of the enemy to keep me in my sadness and mourning. I know that You are my God. I know that Your Word tells me that You are the God of every good thing. Convince my heart, oh Lord, that my joy is in You. Show me that my peace is in You. Have Your define way in me, Lord. This I pray. Amen.

Oh God, I am so brokenhearted without my father. I know that he is with You in heaven, but the loss hurts. I do not know how to find peace with this, so please help me. Your Word tells me that You are close to the brokenhearted. You Word tells me that You save those who are crushed in spirit. Lord, I pray that You make my spirit feel whole again. Wake me up from this bad dream. Give me peace. Help me to cope. I need to feel more of You in this painful period so that I do not remain brokenhearted or crushed. Fill the huge empty space I feel. Lord, I do not want this loss to break me, so Lord, strengthen me and let me feel the warmth of Your presence. Amen.