Prayer For Overeating

Lord Your Word reminds us that our body is the temple of Your Holy Spirit that dwells within us. I pray that those with eating disorders will remember that their body is not an insignificant physical reality but is something that is so precious to You. Lord help them to know that they are not their own, but they were bought for a price. Father, please help us to glorify You in our body. Help those with binge eating disorders to love their body just as You love it, Amen.

Heavenly Father, because of You I do not have to fight this battle alone. Although I sometimes struggle with binge eating disorder, I will stand firm and see the deliverance that You will give me. I am not afraid or discouraged by what I suffer. I know that although I feel defeated, I am never alone because You are always with me. Thank You Father for my deliverance, Amen.

"In the name of Jesus,
I declare victory over you today that you will make a wise decision to protect yourself with food that God created with His own hands. I declare to you Oh Heavenly Father that you will fill our hearts, minds and tummy's with your love and help us to stop overeating and control eating. Strengthen our minds, body and belief in you oh Heavenly King!"

Lord, I know that Your grace is sufficient to for all my needs, and that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness, and Lord, my weakness has to do with eating too much food, but I do believe that Your grace is sufficient to help me though this, and so I pray that You would give me the grace and help to me to break free this sinful habit of ungodly gluttony. Thank You, Lord, for Your promises of sufficient grace and mercy to help in this time of need, and I ask for Your daily guidance to overcome and strengthen my resolve to step away from over-eating into temperance and grace. I ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.

Lord, I know that I am not able to live a godly, self-controlled life in my own strength but You have said in Your Word that You have provided all I need to live godly in Christ Jesus. Help me I pray, to appropriate all that I have in Christ, to walk in spirit and truth, to mortify this appetite for food and to depend on You to deliver me from this bondage to sin. I pray that You finish the good work in me that You started when I first believed in the Lord Jesus as my Saviour, and I will give You all the praise and glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Loving Lord, I know that I cannot do this in my own strength, but I know that by the power of Your Spirit, You can break this bondage within. Lord, I acknowledge that the power of sin and death in my life was broken at the cross of Christ Jesus my Lord, and I come to You in my helplessness and pray that You would enable me to break this gluttony that is destroying my life.

Lord, help me I pray. Change me into the person that You would have me be. In Jesus' name,


Help me Lord, to be wise in what I eat, and I pray that by Your grace You would show me those foods that are detrimental to my body and that cause my moods to fluctuate so dramatically. I realise that so often it is not only my body that is affected by this obsession to eat, but my emotions are being influenced, causing me to become angry or depressed and even lazy.

Lord, I know that when You are put in Your proper place in my life, other things including this gluttony will also be put in the right perspective. Help me Lord, and guide me to take stock of my eating habits and to break this obsession with eating and I will give You all the praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear God,
right now, I surrender to You
my temptation to binge,
to rebel, to misuse the food
You've blessed me with.
Fill me instead
with Your Spirit and grace
and grant me the power
and will to STOP indulging
when I am no longer hungry.
Thank You that, by Your Spirit, within me,
I have the ability to resist
the urge to overeat today. Amen.