Prayer For Our Pastor

Keep our leadership in the midst of good and exciting worship. Keep our pastors from the traditions of men and religion which hold the form of godliness, but deny its power (2 Tim. 3:5). Give WWMF a vision of heaven (Isaiah 6, Revelation 4).

Let the mind of Christ be strong in our leaders (1 Cor. 2:16).

Father, we pray for all pastors going through tough periods. Renew their strength. May they never forget that they can lean on you. Grant them humility and wisdom to know when they are weary and in need of rest. More than anything, grant them wisdom to seek you in these times. We pray that you would raise a solid support system for our leaders. We come against the spirit of loneliness, in Jesus' name.

Father let none of our services, as leaders are half-hearted. May we always be fully committed to all we do for you and through you!
We come against the spirit of envy, and denominationalism. Grant us grace to walk in one accord, in Christ. Amen

Lord, we banish the spirit of prayerlessness among our leaders. May they be men and women of prayer, more than they are doers. Let their actions be birthed in the prayer closet. We pray for our church prayer meetings to be uplifted. Amen

Lord may your eternal word be shared relentless among us.
Bring unity and harmony beyond our religious and denominational divides.
Bring a prayer revival into our homes, into our workplaces, into our schools and more than ever, into our churches. In Jesus' name.

Father, I pray for my pastor that you would help him hold fast to Scripture, even when everyone else tells him to let go. Help him stand on your word and only your word. Protect him from the temptation to abandon the precious truths laid out in Scripture.

Father, please give my pastor true, deep, sustaining friendships. Give him friends who stick closer than brothers. Who uphold him when he's weary. Who help carry his burdens.