Prayer For Our Family

God we thank you for the teachable moments. We pray as a family that we would seek wisdom and live a disciplined life. Guard our hearts from temptation and help us to live out your will and purposes for our lives.

God help us to speak life to each other this day. May we be kind to our family and use words to build each other up. May we have a listening hear and respond to each other with compassionate hearts.Amen

You are our strength when we are weak, God, and we are always grateful when You manifest Your power through our lives. All these we pray in Your Name, Amen.

Lord, You are our Prince of Peace and the One that guards our hearts. May You always remind us to be peacemakers, especially within our families. Protect us from hateful thoughts, and let us not be the reason for causing chaos in our homes. Guide us each day as we walk through life with our families, wherever each of us may be. All these we ask in Your Name, Amen.

Thank you, God, for the gift of motherhood. What a joy and a blessing my children are to me! But I cannot do it without you. Partner with me, Lord. Help me to lead with your example. Help me to speak your words of love, of kindness, of forgiveness, and correction. Holy Spirit, work through me when I don't know what to do, when I don't know what to say, when I don't have the answers. Teach me to discipline my children and to set boundaries. Be my courage, Father, when the testing and the pushing comes. Be my fortress. I trust my parenting to you in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Father, thank you for my family. Thank you for the laughter, the learning, the tears, and the triumphs that fill this home. It is my desire that my family would seek you, Lord. Jesus, I invite you into this house. Teach us. Root us in your word. We belong to you, God. May we honor you with our actions and our words. May we build each other up according to your principles. May we extend forgiveness when there is hurt. May we glorify you in our victories! In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

Oh God, we give You thanks for every individual here today. I thank You that You have allowed us another opportunity to be in your presence and give You all the honor. I pray that You will continue to instruct and teach us Your ways so that we may be more Christ like. Help us to be sensitive to Your voice that we will not lean upon our own understanding but acknowledge You God, to direct our paths, Amen.

Oh Lord, how wonderful is Your Name. Father, as we gather together we ask that Your will shall be done today. I commit this service into Your hands and I pray that You will have full control of the service. I pray that You will anoint our ears that we will hear from You and there will be no distractions. We pray that Your word will fall upon the right ground that we will be doers of the word, Amen.