Prayer For Our Home

Lord, may our homes be havens of peace. The world around us can be stressful and high-pressured. We may be surrounded by conflict, battles, and oppression outside this home, but we pray that inside these walls, You will bring peace. Help us to rest in You. Help us communicate with grace, offer love and support, and speak in love. Even in the stressful rush of the mornings as we head out the door to school, work, church and other activities, may we breathe deeply and choose peace, gentleness, and kindness with one another. Amen

God, help us to keep this as our focus and never lose sight of the most important gift and responsibility you have given usthe salvation of our family. It's easy to get caught up in worldly standards of success and measures of our worth, especially as parents. But honor rolls, scholarships, awards, and accolades don't mean anything compared to salvation in Jesus Christ. Our greatest joy would be to see our children walking in the truth.' We pray that every member of our family will choose a personal, real, abiding, and powerful relationship with our Savior and that we will ask Him to reign over our lives both as a family and as individuals. Amen

Abide in each room we pray, and may the sunshine of Your warming love enter into the hearts of all that come through the door. May this always be a place that is open and welcoming to others. Guard us from the strategies of the evil one, and may Your Holy Spirit of grace hover over our home and pour out Your manifold blessing on us. In Jesus' name we pray,


Thank You for providing all that we need according to Your riches in glory, and keep us from holding on too tightly to the material things of this world, knowing that You have prepared a heavenly home for all that are in the family of God. May Your blessing rest upon us and upon our home not only today but in the days to come, until You come to take us to be with Yourself, forever. In Jesus' name we pray,


Lord, it was by Your decision and will that we were born into this family, and although it is often said that we may choose our friends but not our family, nevertheless Lord, You were the one that chose us to be a part of this family unit, and You desire that each one of us are also a member of the wider body of Christ Jesus our Lord. Bind us together in love I pray, and forgive us all for the ways that we have not honoured Your name in our home as You deserve.

Help us to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave each of us. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God shine in our hearts, from this day forward and for evermore. In Jesus' name I pray,


Bring to light the hidden works of darkness that can cause such untold disunity and distress to family life, and may parents unite together as one in prayer and praise to You, as they teach and train their children in the ways of the Lord. May Your grace and your favour be upon men and women, husbands and wives, parents and children as together they seek the things of God in a home that chooses to serve the Lord. In Jesus' name we pray,


Lord we thank you for your faithfulness. Your love never ends and you are such a good, good Father. Thank you for your never ceasing mercies. We praise you for your love toward us.

Lord, we rejoice today because you are our hope. You will never fail us and as we build our trust in you, you will completely fill us with joy and peace.