Prayer For Our Government Leaders

Today, O God. I hold before you the rulers of the nations
Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers all who
are in positions of supreme leadership.

I can be quick to criticize: help me, Lord to first enter
their dilemma. On most issues of state I have the luxury
of withholding judgment, of not committing myself,
of sitting on the fence. Even when I have an opinion,
it has little influence and seldom any consequence.
Not so with rulers of the nations.
To the extent that they really lead, they must
make decisions, even if they are poor ones.

Help these leaders, O God, in the loneliness of their decisions.
Put wise counselors around them.

Give us, O God,
leaders whose hearts are large enough
to match the breadth of our own souls
and give us souls strong enough
to follow leaders of vision and wisdom.

In seeking a leader, let us seek
more than development for ourselves
though development we hope for
more than security for our own land
though security we need
more than satisfaction for our wants
though many things we desire.

Be their defender and protector, and keep them always on guard. Help those who are Christians to be strong and courageous, standing firm in their faith and influencing others for Your kingdom. Encourage and strengthen them, giving them the wisdom they need. Help them to have courage and faith in You, no matter what they're facing day-to-day. (Proverbs 23:11; Psalm 41:2a; 1 Corinthians 16:13; Deuteronomy 1:38; 3:28; 2 Chronicles 1:10a; Acts 27:22, 25)

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Father, I'm praying for (name them) and other government and community leaders throughout our towns, cities, states, and nation...

Save those who are not yet Your own. Give those in authority wisdom in every decision, and help them to think clearly. Grant them discernment and common sense so they'll be strong and effective leaders. (Titus 3:5; James 1:5; Proverbs 3:21)

Help them to lead and govern with integrity, and may their integrity guide them and keep them on track. (1 Kings 9:4; Proverbs 11:3a; Psalm 78:72; 1 Timothy 2:14) Amen.

Father, I bring the needs of our government before You and ask You to bless our nation through godly leaders. I magnify the Name of Jesus and declare that He is Lord over this nation.

Father, Your Word says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem because those who love Jerusalem shall prosper. Lord Jesus, because You love Jerusalem and wept over it, I love it also. I pray for Jerusalem to receive the shalom of God, which brings wholenessnothing missing, nothing broken. I pray that no leader of our nation will make any decision that will harm Jerusalem in any way. And in the Name of Jesus, I pray that You reveal Your perfect will to all the leaders of Israel. I ask You, Lord, to reveal Yourself to each person. Thank You, Father, for hearing my prayers that are in accordance to Your will. I receive the answers, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

We are so grateful for the staff of our leaders, Lord. They have such an important job keeping the offices running as they should. Thank You for the ways You have gifted them to support so well. Wrap your arms around these men and women to show them love, grace, strength, and encouragement. Provide them with the knowledge needed to approach each situation in the best way possible. Help them to know You and see Your presence in the work they do. And, Father, give them the stamina to approach each day and to find a balance between work and life so that they would be sustained.

God, thank You for the men and women who serve our country in leadership roles and for their families. Please provide our leaders with reminders each day of why they decided to dedicate their lives to public service, and use that commitment to encourage them. Give them peace when their work takes them away from their families. We also pray specifically for the wives, husbands, and children of our leaders. We ask that You draw near to them and give them the wisdom on how to best support one another while their loved one is away working.