Prayer For Open Doors

I decree and declare that my gates shall be opened continually in the name of Jesus, they shall not be shut day and night, that men may bring unto me the forces of the Gentiles and that their Kings may be brought.

God, we pray for unreached people in the world, people who have little to no knowledge of the gospel, and men and women who are working right now to get the gospel to them. God, please open doors for the gospel to go to them. Please give our brothers and sisters who are doing this work boldness and clarity to share the gospel.

O Lord, I thank You for this day that you have made, I rejoice and am glad in it.

Let the angelic watchers, prosperity and worshipping angels guard and guide my open doors continuously. In Jesus Name.

Lord. open the doors of heavenly blessings and breakthrough upon my life, ministry, business, profession, health, income, and relationships. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Today, I position myself by fire, for divine intervention, in the name of Jesus.

Lord I look to You right now. Your Word says that You are the door of the sheep. So Father, we place our trust in You because You will open doors for us that are closed. I pray for Your divine guidance through these doors and thank You for opening them. With You, there is always a way, but alone we will remain stagnant. Thank You for being the eternal door, Amen.

God of Heaven, I pray that I see doors and see heaven be opened. Drip down, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds pour down righteousness. Let the earth be opened up and let salvation bear fruit, and righteousness spring up with it. I pray for blocked doors to be open and I thank You in advance for the breakthrough that You are going to give me. Thank You for who You are, Amen.