Prayer For Negative Attitude

Father, thank You for hope. Thank You for its light in the darkness. Thank You that no matter how dark the night, You are with me. My situation and circumstances may look dark, but I know You not only go before me, but You also walk with me. As I pray, please fill me with even more hope. I trust You, God, even in the midst of this seemingly hopeless season. I know my hope is in You and that the victory is already Yours. In Jesus' name, amen.

May the story of Your angel, who shut the mouths of the lions, help us to remember Your power and promise. When we are in trouble, help us to remember the cross. In the direst situation of all, Christ conquered death.

In a quickly crumbling world, let us be shards of light. May we be peacekeepers, and extensions of Your love. We're not promised this world will be easy or fair, but You guarantee Your presence and Your love. Grant us courage to stick to Your standards. You are good, all the time.

In Jesus' Name,


Jesus walked the earth simply, as a carpenter without a flashy lifestyle. His miracles were something money couldn't buy. Not then, and not now. God's love and God's plan look different for all of us, but His love does not rise and fall on a scale. He is everlasting, omnipotent, and sovereign. And He has chosen us. Created us. And called us good.

Help me Lord, and save me from those that are seeking to destroy me. Show me Lord, what You would have me to do. Lord, I want to trust and obey You and to rest my weary soul on You and not rely on my own strength, for there is nothing I can do. I come to You on my knees imploring You Lord, to stand up as my Champion and Defender.

I need more of Jesus in me so that I will be rooted and grounded in love (verse 17). Your greatest commandment, Father (Matthew 22:3739), your Son's last commandment (John 15:12), and the greatest of the Spirit's gifts (1 Corinthians 13:13) is love for you and for others. I want more love. I need you to do whatever it takes to root out the pride and selfishness in me so that as a branch rooted and grounded in the Vine (John 15:5) I will bear much of the fruit of love (Galatians 5:22).

Oh Great Passion,
Oh Deep Wounds,
Oh Blood Shed in Abundance,
Oh Meekness,
Oh God of Meekness,
Oh cruel Death, have mercy on me and grant my request if it be for my salvation.
Dear Lord, please grant my request.


Help me Jesus help me Jesus, everyday I am scared of what the future brings for myself, my wife and my 3 children, we have nobody at all except eachother. Please don't let it be too late, please don't let us be homeless, please guide us and pray for us. We have always prayed for those in need, please someone pray for us as we are in need so much. Help us Jesus please.

Lord Jesus please help me. I feel unfit for this life. I feel dumb at times. As hard as I try it is hard for me to listen and focus. What do you want from me in this life? Is the reason you are having me go through these hardships to bring me closer to you? I cry out to You lord Jesus, please help this life make sense. Please give me the strength and courage I need to endure and fulfill the desires of Your heart. I beg you Jesus, please help me. I am all Yours. Please pray for me.