Prayer For My Friend Having Surgery

You are our refuge and our fortress. We ask that you care for our friend and keep her (him) as she (he) begins the surgery today. Please bless the work of the surgeons and help their work to heal our friend. Amen.

Thank you for all of the surgeons, nurses and doctors that have cared for my friend. Please continue to bless the work of their hands as they guide my friend out of my need. You have guided my friend and been beside her (him) for each step of the day. Please send your angels to guard her and to continue to hold her in your care as she recovers.

O Lord, be close behind my dear friend today. Whisper words of hope and compassion within her (his) heart. Shut out the fear, worry and pan that beset her (his) mind. Wrap her (him) in your soft, merciful love. As the surgeons begin their work, bless their efforts and bring healing to my friend's body. Please continue to protect her (him) and keep her (him) in your care. May they feel your presence and be consoled during their suffering.

I come to you for shelter. While the winds and storm rage outside, please protect my friend and me this day. Here our cries of pain and guide us through all obstacles. I trust in your promises and ask that you guide my friend to safety. Even when it fees dark in the world, you are the warm, safe place where we can take refuge. Through your infinite power and mercy, help my friend make a speedy recovery.

Heavenly Father, you are a constant presence in our world. While there is much suffering, hatred and confusion in the world, you are the rock that we stand on. Your word is like a fortress for our souls. Even in the darkest night, your promises are the lamp that guides are way. We call upon you here, almighty, omnipresent Father to be merciful. Our friend is beginning a surgery today, and we ask that you keep him (her) in your heavenly arms. Protect him (her) and guide the surgeons as they do their work. We pray that you will guide our friend through a healthy recovery and restore him (her) to good health.

O Lord,

Be so close beside my dear one. Come whisper words of great hope into their hearts. Shut out the pain, the worry and fear and wrap them up within your soft, gentle love.
Bless the efforts of the surgeons who have worked to bring life and healing to his/her body. Please protect and keep him/her in your rest and care. May they know your presence close by each day.


Dear Lord,

Thank you for the surgeons, doctors and nurses that have cared for me. Bless the work of their hands and lead them as they give out to those in need.

Lord, you have been beside me each step of the way. You watched over me through this surgery, your angels stood guard when I needed protection. I ask that the oil of your healing would flow through me anew. May it heal, protect and breathe life into my body. Please give me rest and peace each moment of the day as I dwell in your love and truth. My trust is in you for complete restoration.

Father, thank you for your love to me.


Heavenly Father,

You remain constant, in a world of such bewildering hatred and confusing suffering. You are a rock on which we stand, your word is a fortress for our souls and your promises are a lamp to guide our feet.

We call and you are there, omnipresent and Almighty, Father hearted and merciful. So we call upon you today as our friend has this surgery. Protect and keep him (her) within your heavenly arms. Watch over every detail of the surgeons work, and bring them safely through this time into your streams of recovery and restoration.
