Prayer For My Friend In Need

Lord, David, I need your encouragement in a time of trial and anguish. Thank you that you are always on the throne, always my God, ready to save. Thank you for being the same God to me that you were to David. Thank you for always being near and always rescuing me from my fears and hurts. Lord, help me remember that daybreak might be just ahead, that this trial will not last forever. Fill me with hope that daybreak is coming and that your love will always prevail! In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Lord, I come before you today knowing that all power is in Your hand. I know that you are the Lord and that you care for your people. Right now, my friend is struggling with a difficult trial. I can see her strength is faltering, Lord, and know that you have all of the strength that she needs. I pray that you will reach down and touch her right now wherever she is at this moment. Let your presence fill the room where she is and let her feel an extra portion of your strength that can help her to get through this day. She needs you now, Lord, and I thank you in advance for meeting her where she is and shoring up her strength during this difficult time. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Renew my strength, Lord. Fill me with your supernatural power to overcome each obstacle in my path. With my eyes on you, Lord, with you walking beside me, working through me, I can make it. Thank you, Lord! In Jesus's name, Amen

Dear God,

Please hear my urgent prayer for my very good friend who is in dire need at this time.

I have confidence that my pleas to You
are heard and that You answer my prayers.

You may not help my friend in exactly
the way I think help is needed, but please,
in Your divine wisdom, resolve the challenge facing my friend, and open the way to move forward with Your strong love and support.

Please send down a host of angels to protect, guide and give solace to my friend.

We all have happy days when we may forget You entirely, Lord, and dark days when we fall
on our knees to implore Your urgent help.

I earnestly beg You to help my friend
this dark day. Please send down the sunshine of Your Divine Grace and Assistance.

All this I pray with hope and love,


Dear Father, I treasure my friend so much, I thank you for their presence in my life. I ask you to watch over them, to lead them into hope and blessing. I trust that you will protect and hold them when life is hard. Lord, help me to be a good friend to them. Amen.

Lord, I have great concern for my friend. Come hold them, dry their tears, Send your Spirit into each facet of their lives, Their thoughts, their fears and their dreams. Keep them safe in this hard time. Might they know my love as I seek to be your hands and feet Jesus. Help me to gently watch over them, and lead them though the darkness into your glorious light. Amen.

Father, thank you for the joy of friendship. For the security and intimacy of love. I pray for my friend that you would hold, keep, bless and envision them. May they feel your love through my actions, words and gifts. I ask that I would always be loyal, trustworthy and generous to them, For I treasure their companionship, their unique spirit and their relationship with me so much. Amen.

Dear Lord,
I pray for my friend right now. I pray that you will help them with the struggles they are going through in this season. For you know exactly what they need in this moment. Draw near to them and let them feel your presence. Open their eyes, ears, and hearts to you. Help them have the discernment to hear your voice as you lead them in their next steps. Speak to them as they read your word and bring verses of encouragement and comfort to their attention. I pray that you will calm any fear or anxiety they may be feeling. Replace it with the confidence to obey your word and to trust you. I pray that your guidance will be clear to them from this day forward. In your name, I pray. Amen.