Prayer For My Friends And Family

Thank you, Lord
for showing us that love
has no boundaries or end
but listens, has patience,
compassion, grace
and gives without counting cost.
Thank you for granting us
a heart for those you love
and a willingness
to step out in faith
and service.
Thank you, Lord
for showing us true love
can be ours to know and give.

Dear God,

Please keep my family, friends, and loved ones safe. Please watch over them always, and let good health, happiness, and good fortune befall them.


We thank you, Gracious God
for Hallelujah moments.
Those turning a corner
and meeting a long-lost friend
Those climbing a mountain
and standing in awe of the view
Those wiping of tears
from our eyes as a baby is born
Those welcoming back
a prodigal child into our arms
Those answers to prayer
at times when we feel totally helpless
Those sighs of relief
at the end of a dear friend's suffering
For these and all
Hallelujah moments,
we thank you, Gracious God.

Father, please watch over my friend, keep her safe, comfort her through this hard time.May your love settle upon her, may she dwell in your acceptance and truth. Might she rest in your peace and find restoration in your care. Lead me as I seek to care for her. Please give me words of wisdom, awareness of how to help and the tenderness to just "be" with her. Give me the insight to understand all she is feeling. Come watch over us now, Lord.


Lord please give my treasured friend love and blessings without end. Bring contentment in her life; Comfort her in times of strife. Always keep her safe, secure; Let her path to You be sure. Lord, I pray my friend will be close to you, eternally.


Bless our families;
mothers, fathers,
daughters, sons.
Protect them
from all that might harm.
Prosper them
in times of hardship.
Instruct them
in the ways of goodness.
Prepare them
for both joy and sorrow.
Unite them
within your arms of love.
Daughters, sons,
mothers, fathers,
bless our families
Lord, we pray.

Lord Jesus,

You loved your friends and demonstrated acceptance, encouragement, and intimacy. Thank you for the friends you have given me. For the rest found in knowing acceptance. For the blessing found in being encouraged. And for the heavenly touch of intimacy that comes through the rich inheritance found in you.

Thank you.


eveal yourself
dear Lord, this day
in the special places
where we can be alone.
Reveal yourself
in the busy places
where noise is all around.
Reveal yourself
in the smiling faces
of friends and family
Reveal yourself
in the sullen faces
of people passing by.
Reveal yourself
dear Lord, this day
and by your grace
bless this beautiful
but fragile world with joy.