Prayer For My Family Friends And Loved Ones

Almighty God, we entrust all who are dear to us to thy never-failing care and love, for this life and the life to come, knowing that thou art doing for them better things than we can desire or pray for; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Heavenly Father, we recognize that You are a shelter in a time of storm. You are our strength when we are weak. You are the one who lifts us up and makes us soar on wings like eagles. Trusting Your promises, God, I ask that You would grant that strength to my friend right now who is going through a tough time in his/her life.

Give him/her the means to overcome these obstacles, God. Let him/her look to You in this time of trouble. May You also protect his/her heart from worry; instead, enable him/her to fully rely on You. Be his/her comfort, Lord, in this trying time.

As my friend undergoes this challenge, allow him/her to gracefully endure each and every step. Guide his/her way, God, that they may always walk the right path. Would you also grant him/her Your wisdom so that every decision he/she makes is a sound one. May Your Holy Spirit also be his/her constant reminder of his/her ultimate source of strength. All these I pray in Your Name, Amen.

O fountain of love, love our friends and teach them to love you with all their hearts, that they may think and speak and do only what is pleasing to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

O Lord my God, I thank you for the loving people you have surrounded me with. I thank you for helping them to overcome trials and tribulations and thank you for being their source of joy. Lord, I thank you for keeping them alive and strengthening them. I thank for blessing them with all the good gifts of life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You today to commit my good friend who has fallen ill. He/She is in pain physically as well as emotionally. It also pains me when I see him/her laying in bed and struggling.

But I know, God, that You are the great Healer. Whatever disease my friend has is nothing when compared to the power of Your Name. I ask You, dear Lord, to touch my friend with Your healing hands. May You ease his/her pain and be his/her comfort in this time of need. Reveal Yourself and Your power in a very special, personal way to my friend today.

I know, Lord, that You alone are able to make miracles in the lives of those who are sick. Just as You were able to make the lame man walk, the blind man see, and the leper be healed, so I believe that You are also able to help my friend recover his/her health. I trust that my friend will be healed soon through Your power, God. These I pray in Your Name, Amen.

My prayer for you dear friend is that the Lord will turn your weeping into dancing. He will give you a reason to not just smile but laugh again. The Lord will see you through this difficult situation and comfort you on all sides.


O Lord my God, I entrust all my loved ones in your care and I pray you protect and guide them daily. Meet them O lord, at every point of their need and fulfill all their heart desires. Be there keeper and grant them the opportunity to enjoy good health all the days of their lives.

My Lord and my God, keep my family and friends safe. Keep them far away from oppression. I will not receive any bad report concerning any of them. They will not die an untimely death and they shall all live to reap the fruits of their labor.

O Lord, touch the hearts of (.., you can call the names), that is yet to receive you into their lives. Touch their hearts that they may accept that you alone is the true Savior. Touch them that they may enjoy the joy of salvation in Jesus mighty Name. Amen.

This is my prayer for you dear friend, that the Lord will make a way for you where there seems to be no way. You will walk on the highway of greatness. Instead of curses, you shall be greatly blessed. Your little efforts will yield great results and your mouth shall always be filled with songs of victory.