Prayer For My Father Healing

Blessed be Your Name, God! Thank You for Your word that guides me and has instructed me to listen to my father who gave me life, and to not despise my mother when she is old. I pray that I continue to respect my father for the role that You have given him in my life. I will not take Him for granted because Your word tells me not to, Amen.

Oh Heavenly Father, my dad has been in the hospital for 35 days. He went in for diverticulitis surgery. They said he had cancer in the part of the colon that they removed. They say he has pneumonia as well. He has had a tube in his throat the entire time to help him breathe. He is also on dialysis due to the infection. This shocked us. This is the first Thanksgiving and coming up on Christmas that our family has not been together. We are so weary and heartbroken. I pray for my dad, mother and brother to give us the strength. We love him so very much. Please wake him up dear Lord and bring him back to us healthier and better than what he was before he went in. I feel so helpless Lord. Help us. I beg you dear father in heaven. I believe in your healing powers oh Lord. Amen

Dear Almighty Father in Heaven,

Thank you Lord for giving us a father who took good care for us when we were young, for having a father who looked after us, has rendered unimaginable sacrifices and gave us his unconditional love.
Now Lord, my dad is sick Please heal him and grant him many years to be with us.
I know Lord I am selfish because I didn't want to feel the pain of losing someone we love but I want to cherish more time with my father, yet your will be done, not mine.
Lord, I trust you. Hear my prayers through Jesus Christ, your beloved son


Almighty Father in Heaven,

Thank you Lord for giving us a father who took good care for us when we were young, for having a father who looked after us, has rendered unimaginable sacrifices and gave us his unconditional love.
Now Lord, my dad is sick please heal him and grant him many years to be with us
I knew Lord I am selfish because I don't want to feel the pain of losing someone I love but I want to cherish more time with my dad And yet I want your will to be done, not mine
I trust you Lord. Here Oh Lord, I pray
In the name of your almighty son Jesus Christ.


God bless all of us kids with ailing fathers, i feel better reading your prayers as some of you think and feel the exact same way I do. My Dad is in ICU, low platelets, low hemoglobin, internal bleeding. I pray for a miracle for all of your Dads including mine. I trust our Father in Heaven, Jesus has given me everything I am so thankful. Please give my Dad more time with us Lord Jesus. Your will be done. I pray as I write for all those mourning with ill Dads. I join you in prayer and ask you to join me for my Dad. Thank you

Our heavenly father, we thank you for the life of our elderly father, for the life you gave him, for blessing us with his love care and affection. As he fights this battle with Septicemia at this point in his life, please heal him Lord, please ease his suffering and pain. Bring him back to good health, so he can enjoy the fruits of his Labour. I pray with all my heart Lord, please bring him back to us so we can look after him properly in his old age. Please forgive his sins Lord I beg you. My Dad loves you with all his heart, and he believes that your will will be done in his life and ours. We look to you for a Miracle and we thank you immensely for the progress he has made in the last two days. Please Lord, do not turn your back on us I pray in Jesus Might Name with all my heart, Amen.

Dear lord god heavenly king ,you alone are the most high jesues Christ nothing is impossible with you.i trust in you jesues please heal my thaththi from all of his illness.they say therese no treatment for his cancer I can't bear this anymore I love him so much. Please I beg u to forgive me for all my sins and give my father his life back. Thank you lord for all your precious blessings please give my Ammi and thaththi their happiness.your the only healer. I'm not worthy to hear your voice jesus but please think of my Ammi and thaththi for one second and they shall be heald.
Queen if the most holy rosary ,oh my loving mother I keep my faith and hope in you in this difficult time. You said if I ask anything in jesues name it will be given .my loving mother if you ask this from your loving son lord jesues Christ he will never reject you. I have all my hope in you my dear mother.please pray for everyone those who need help. Please give me a miracle in the name of the holy sprite, come to my thaththi and Ammis life with your healing power. In jesues name

Dear Lord,

Please heal my father. I love him so much. He was a good friend, a good brother, a good son, he was a good husband, and a good father. Please heal him, wash him with your precious blood, sanctify him Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for every child who has same situation like me, I pray that they will be stong and that you will hear their hearts desires. Every child needs a Father and I need mine. Lord we are nothing without you, someday we will all rest in heaven with you but Lord God I'm begging you please give my Father long life and heal him. In Jesus name. Amen