Prayer For My Father's Health

As I kneel in Your presence and bask in Your love, I have this prayer on the behalf of name. Father, be with him/her and grant him/her good health. Father, name will be filled with Your essence and no illness shall hurt him/her in Jesus Name.
No matter where he/she goes and regardless of the circumstance, physical wellbeing shall name possess by Your power. Safekeep him/her and give long life that'll be dedicated to Your use. Father, thank You for the miracles past, present, and futureand In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.

Father Above, I pray before You today seeking strength and wellbeing. I pray that You grant me the strength to power through my days and health, to last a lifetime. Lord, I will not go sick neither will I tire, and throughout the days of my life, it is You that will be worshipped by me. I thank You for the blessings Oh Lord, and In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.

Dear St. Jude, my dear friend. You have helped me so many times before. Please help my father now. Please pray for him that he will heal, that I will be able to have him a little while longer. He means the world to me. I know that I have been lucky to have him so long and I am eternally grateful for that. I just ask that you pray for him so that we can all enjoy having him with us a little while longer. Thank you for hearing my prayer.

Dear St. Jude, I pray for my dad's health condition. Please heal him, touch him in your powerful hands. We need your help, oh my St. Jude. I hope i can find people who are willing to help me in my problems. Bless and touch the heart of the christian people, St. Jude , please heal father because he is suffering now his stomach.

I need you help immediately St. Jude, hear my prayers. We asked this through Jesus Christ, Sr. Sto. Nino and all the Archangels in heaven. Amen

Dear God , Please bring a miracle to my dear Father. My Dad as been dealing with high blood pressure and now his kidney's are about to fail.

My Father is a very good and kindhearted man. It breaks my heart that I can't do anything more for him. I pray that he will have a full recovery and that he will be stronger than ever before. Please send him love and light for a new healing to take place in his heart ,soul, spirit and mind.


Holy One, I declare Your word over my father's life, please guide him in the way of wisdom and lead him in upright paths. I pray that as my father walks, his steps will not be hampered, and when he runs, he will not stumble. I pray against the adversary's plan to cause my father to fall and waver. Lord, continue to be the rock that my father can lean on at all times, Amen.

Dear Lord, I thank You for the relationship that I have with my earthly father and I pray that You bless him. Your word states that as a father has compassion on his children, so You have compassion on those who fear You. Lord, my relationship with my father has helped me understand the paradigm of my relationship with You, therefore I thank You for my father's life and I pray that You continue to use him, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I place my earthly father before You now and I ask that You keep him. He has kept Your word: as a Father, he did not provoke me to anger, but he brought me up in the discipline and instruction of Christ. Lord, I pray that the knowledge, morals, and principles that You led him to instill in me will also guide his life so that he may draw closer to You, Amen.